Trick training: fetch anything to hand (part 4/4)

January 25, 2024: woohooo!

I got the fridge-temperature beer can delivered to hand in between two rice-can reps, but off screen – so not sharing that video.

January 28, 2024: phone success and another fridge-temperature can video

I got the phone 3 times in a row! Woohooo! I didn’t add any easy objects; just did 3 spontaneous phone reps. Phone – check! Crossing it off the object-goals list!

I also repeated the fridge temperature can, this time on video – no easy objects. Chai dropped it a few times, but did well enough for me to decide it is ready to be crossed off my object goals list as well. Definitely not using this can again; we have dropped it too often for it to still be safe. Will occasionally repeat with new cans or new rice-filled cans.

Our updated object goals list:

Wallet, credit card, keys, phone, beer can, bank bill, full plastic bottles, coin, porcelain mug, thermos mug, leash handle, retractable leash, keys, silverware.

Easy-objects list:

  • 20-peso bill (Jan. 9, 2024)
  • Spoon (Jan. 10, 2024)
  • Fork (Jan. 24, 2024)
  • Coin (Jan. 12, 2024)
  • Keys (Jan. 11 & January 14, 2024)
  • Poop bag roll (Jan. 24, 2024)
  • Wallet (Jan. 17 & Jan. 18, 2024)
  • Rice-filled can (Jan. 21, & Jan. 22 & Jan 23 & Jan. 24, 2024)
  • Porcelain mug
  • Highlighter
  • Phone
  • (Rice-filled) can

February 5, 2024: thermos mug success!

Today, I used the familiar porcelain mug in combination with the second mug – a new one for Chai: the thermos mug (thank you, Chris). I thought the familiar mug might make a good introduction to the new one. Turns out the thermos mug was much easier for Chai than the porcelain mug! I’ll remove the porcelain mug from the easy-objects list (I don’t want it to break if Chai keeps tossing it around like this) and replace it with the thermos one instead. That’s the one I use (and drop) more often anyways.

Updated object goals list:

Wallet, credit card, keys, phone, beer can, bank bill, full plastic bottles, coin, porcelain mug, thermos mug, leash handle, retractable leash, keys, silverware.

Easy objects list:

  • 20-peso bill (Jan. 9, 2024)
  • Spoon (Jan. 10, 2024)
  • Fork (Jan. 24, 2024)
  • Coin (Jan. 12, 2024)
  • Keys (Jan. 11 & January 14, 2024)
  • Poop bag roll (Jan. 24, 2024)
  • Wallet (Jan. 17 & Jan. 18, 2024)
  • Rice-filled can (Jan. 21, & Jan. 22 & Jan 23 & Jan. 24, 2024)
  • Thermos mug
  • Highlighter
  • Phone
  • (Rice-filled) can

February 6, 2023: retractable leash success and thermos mug struggles

I’ve been slowing down a bit since I’ve gotten a little tired of this trick – I’m ready to switch to another one! – but I am determined to make it through my fetchable objects list first! So here we are again, using the thermos mug as an easy object to get more reps in and the retractable leash as a new object. Turns out the thermos mug was harder today than yesterday! Chai did it though, but good thing we kept it in the rotation. The retractable leash turned out to be surprisingly easy. I’ll bold the thermos mug in my easy objects list to remember to use it again soon. The retractable leash has another session to look forward to as well – next time playing the part of the easy object.

Updated object goals list:

Wallet, credit card, keys, phone, beer can, bank bill, full plastic bottles, coin, porcelain mug, thermos mug, leash handle, retractable leash, keys, silverware.

Easy-objects list:

  • 20-peso bill (Jan. 9, 2024)
  • Spoon (Jan. 10, 2024)
  • Fork (Jan. 24, 2024)
  • Coin (Jan. 12, 2024)
  • Keys (Jan. 11 & January 14, 2024)
  • Poop bag roll (Jan. 24, 2024)
  • Wallet (Jan. 17 & Jan. 18, 2024)
  • Rice-filled can (Jan. 21 & Jan. 22 & Jan 23 & Jan. 24, 2024)
  • Thermos mug (Feb. 6, 2024 & Feb. 20, 2024)
  • Highlighter (Feb. 20, 2024)
  • Phone
  • (Rice-filled) can
  • Retractable leash (Feb. 8, 2024)

Next session(s):

  • Do a mug game with yogurt on the handle before using the thermos mug again.

February 8, 2024: checking off the credit card goal!

Today, I took a break from mugs and used the retractable leash as an easy object. Go Chai! I also did a few more credit card rounds. I set myself a goal that would allow me to check credit cards off my fetchable objects list: pick up the bent/chewed-on card from the floor, whichever side is up, and pick up a new flat card (no tape, no raised numbers) from the puzzle mats. This was my compromise for actual credit cards on the floor (the only useless plastic card I had didn’t only not have raised numbers but was only half as “tall” as a credit card). I would have loved to try an un-chewed credit card with the numbers facing the floor on the floor itself, but I only have the one I still use and don’t want it to potentially die between the teeth of a Border Collie. I’ll just have to wait until it expires; in the meantime, the other card was a good compromise. Chai did great with these three tasks. Which means I get to check off credit cards! Go (not so) puppy!

Also, random note: I wish the flag on the wall behind me was Valentino Vecchetti’s updated one. I’ll give it away this year or swap it for the new one. It bothers me every time I see it on video. That said, as by my rule that I only keep things I use, it’ll stay up for now.

We now only have one new object left: a leather leash. I’ll swap in the thermos mug for this one, but only after giving Chai a chance to lick yogurt off its handle.

Updated object-goals list:

Wallet, credit card, keys, phone, beer can, bank bill, full plastic bottles, coin, porcelain mug, thermos mug, leash handle, retractable leash, keys, silverware.

February 10, 2024: licking yogurt and granola of the thermos mug handle and giving the leather leash a try!

My goal with this food toy is to make it more likely Chai will pick up the mug by the handle in our fetch anything sessions.

Unfortunately, the session we had after – thermos mug and leash handle – didn’t go as I had hoped: Chai didn’t target the handle of the mug and continued struggling to pick it up. The leash handle did not appear pick-up-able to her at all. Before having another leash handle session, I’ll try dipping it in something delicious. The other route would be to cut off the handle and teach Chai to pick up just that part – but I don’t want to ruin my leash unless I have to.

February 11, 2024: licking sweet cream off the leash handle

Again, my goal here is to make the handle of the leash the most appealing part to be picked up. The last time we tried, Chai didn’t pick up the leash at all. This time, I dipped it in sweet cream and turnd it into a food toy: I hoped she would carry it to the couch after (as she likes to do with most found treasures) if I just left it on the floor, but Chai wasn’t interested once she had finished her sweet cream feast.

February 20, 2024: highlighter, thermos mug, cut-off leash handle … and leash handle attached to a leash on a dog! Go Chai!

We had a bit of a break because our training time was spent videoing new demo videos – both Game and Chai got to play!

Now we’re back for more “Gimme” and taking another stab at the last object on our fetchable object goals list: the elusive leash handle!

I admitted defeat: having Chai lick tasty stuff off the handle of my old leash didn’t transfer to picking it up. So I cut the handle off my current leather leash (sniff), bought an identical one, taught Chai to hand me the cut-off handle and then the handle on the actual (new) leash.

This is the session with just the leash handle piece I’ve cut off. I’ve already added Game to the picture because in the final scenario I imagine using this skill, there will be a dog on the other end of the leash I drop:

After a break, I had another session – the break-through one! We can now retrieve leashes and will pick them up by their handle!

Wallet, credit card, keys, phone, beer can, bank bill, full plastic bottles, coin, porcelain mug, thermos mug, leash handle, retractable leash, keys, silverware!

I get to cross off my last object on the retrievable objects list. Wohoo! Mission accomplished! Before generalizing the behavior to new environments, we’ll take a break from this trick. Time to work on something else for a while – I’m ready for a change!

Trick dog training: fetch anything to hand (part 3)

January 18, 2024: wallet, phone and rice-filled beer/soda cans

We started today playing another round of 2-toy fetch with the rice filled cans. As before, I just picked one of those up in the street – I’m not even sure what kind of drink used to be in the dark one; I don’t think I’ve seen it in stores. It’s pretty though and it has a cool name: París de Noche. Anyways, this is to say: the streets are filled with food and toys. What a life for a dog (and their human)!

Since this went so well, I then added a rice-filled can to our fetch-anything-to-hand game! I’ll use the rice-filled can for practice (no danger of exploding) and eventually swap it out for a “real” can. That one’s gotta have beer in it just because.

For today’s fetch session, I used my wallet, the phone and one of the rice-filled cans. I love how in the first rep, Chai is so fast that I don’t even have time to put the wallet on the floor! Loving that confidence!

Starting at 00:54, you can see that the 2-toy session has worked its magic: Chai is now confidently picking up the rice-filled can! The wallet is the easiest to pick up and the phone is the most difficult. I keep interspersing easy objects to keep Chai’s confidence high.

Now let me transfer over our lists of easy objects and goals from the last post … I’ll modify; I’m happy with the keys as they are for now.

Fetchable-object goals:

Wallet, credit card (D), keys, phone, beer can, bank bill, full plastic bottles, coin, 2 types of mugs (D), leash handle (D), retractable leash (D), keys, silverware.

Easy-objects list:

  • 20-peso bill (Jan. 9, 2024)
  • Spoon (Jan. 10, 2024)
  • Fork
  • Knife
  • Coin (Jan. 12, 2024)
  • Keys (Jan. 11, 2024 & January 14, 2024)
  • Glue stick
  • Empty spray bottle
  • Wallet (Jan. 17, 2024 & Jan. 18, 2024)
  • Rice-filled can (Jan. 21, 2024 & Jan. 22, 2024 & Jan 23, 2024)

Next session(s):

  • Lickable stuff in porcellain mug and on its handle.
  • Use rice-filled can as easy object to build confidence and get practice – just in case the actual beer can explodes!
  • Keep the phone in the game; alternate between floor and puzzle mats.
  • “Gimme” cue!

January 21, 2024: woohooooo for porcelain mugs!

I played a third cup game today. I didn’t have peanut butter, so I used something a little less sticky: yogurt. After I had stopped filming, Chai eventually picked up the cup (I just left it on the floor) and carried it to the couch. Over the course of about 15 minutes, she dropped it off the couch four times, it made noise falling on the floor or on the treadmill, and Chai jumped after and picked it back up, taking it up on the couch again. No footage of the couch action, but here is a snippet of Chai enjoing her yogurt cup:

Because I had observed her like this and saw her interact with it on the couch (trying to chew and lick it some more), I decided to put it into today’s object fetch session … and it was a huge success!

Notes on this session: I’m interspersing an easy object – always the first one on my check list (see above) – with difficult and/or new ones. Because I know the mug is difficult, I go back to the rice-filled can after the first successful rep (00:06). There was a little hesitation about first picking it up. After the rice-filled can rep, we are ready to take another stab at the mug (01:12). Chai is more confident about it this time! I probably could have done more than the one mug rep here but I wanted to reinforce with an easy object and switched back to the can again after a beautiful single mug rep (01:19). The mug rep at 01:24 is difficult – but look at Chai working confidently at finding a way to pick it up! Superpuppy!

Next session(s):

  • Maybe another cup game before the next session?
  • Two-toy game with credit cards.
  • Keep using the rice-filled cans as an easy object to build lots of confidence (in case later the real beer can explodes). No liquid-filled cans yet!
  • Get some more phone reps under Chai’s collar.

January 22, 2024: credit card, rice-filled can, phone and porcelain mug!

Today, I repeated the first two cup games (no video). Then, I played the two-toy game with an expired credit card and some other plastic card I don’t need. Chai did great picking them up off the bed (easiest surface) and the puzzle mat. She could only pick the credit card up from the floor – and that may be because at that point, it had been chewed and bent in such a way that it wasn’t flat against the floor anymore. The other plastic card still was, and Chai didn’t manage to grip it until I added a piece of heavy tape to its sides (the tape is about 1mm thick). Chai was then able to grab it off the floor.

I then did a session of 3 difficult objects interspersed by a single easy one – the beer can. I couldn’t resist the temptation to try the card right away, and Chai was SO good! Only problem: I forgot to hit record. I did a second session, and that one got recorded:

January 23, 2024: no video, but a great session

Chai did really well on 3 reps with the rice-filled can (easy object) followed by 3 reps of the mug (twice lying down, once standing up), followed by one more rep of the can. I used the “Gimme!” cue every time, and for the first time, I didn’t set up the puzzle mats (the training picture Chai is used to) but just the floor. I’ve lowered the amount of food Chai gets for each successful rep in this session as well.

I’ll do one more session like this where I’ll include one porcelain mug rep with the mug turned upside down – this is the most difficult position because Chai needs to topple it over (almost impossible on the slippery floor without puzzle mats) or pick it up by the handle. Note to self: have some more sessions of mug game #1 on the floor (not on the puzzle mats) before asking Chai to “gimme” an upside down mug!

I also want to do a similar session with the phone, getting it from the floor 3 times in a row, and then I’ll cross phones as well as porcelain mugs off the “fetchable-object goals” list and move them to the “easy objects” section.

In terms of the can: I plan on doing one more session with the rice-filled cans, and then I’ll intersperse the “real” can at room temperature once. In a subsequent session, I’ll intersperse the real can at fridge temperature once. For now, I won’t use the same “real” (bubbly-liquid-filled) can more than twice to keep the danger of exploding cans low.

Next session(s): re-read today’s notes; focus on mug, phone and can(s).

January 24, 2024: porcelain mug in all positions – check!

We started the day with mug game #1. Chai did really well, picking the mug up at the handle every time! Then, we did a session of “Gimme!” Since the session below went so well, I’ll move the mug to the “easy objects” list!

The next session involving cans will have a REAL can at room temperature interspersed! Woohooo! Let’s do it!

I wanted to finish the phone challenge so I could move phones to the easy object list too. However … no luck. Not yet. I want 3 pick-ups in a row without Chai or me dropping the phone, and she dropped it one time. The good news: we got a fun easy-object rep in with the fork!

The lists – updated

Fetchable-object goals:

Wallet, credit card, keys, phone, beer can, bank bill, full plastic bottles, coin, porcelain mug, thermos mug, leash handle, retractable leash, keys, silverware.

I’ve crossed off the porcelain mug (and split out the two mugs) and removed my “E” (easy), “M” (intermediate) and “D” (difficult) predictions – they have turned out to be wrong more often than not!

Easy-objects list:

  • 20-peso bill (Jan. 9, 2024)
  • Spoon (Jan. 10, 2024)
  • Fork (Jan. 24, 2024)
  • Coin (Jan. 12, 2024)
  • Keys (Jan. 11 & January 14, 2024)
  • Poop bag roll (Jan. 24, 2024)
  • Wallet (Jan. 17 & Jan. 18, 2024)
  • Rice-filled can (Jan. 21, & Jan. 22 & Jan 23 & Jan. 24, 2024)
  • Porcelain mug
  • Highlighter

The porcelain mug has been added to the easy-objects list, and I also put the highlighter back on now that it’s been a while since I’ve used it. The easy objects I want to rotate through next are bolded.

Next session(s): repeat phone session with butter knife as the easy object (no need to video) OR do a 3-rep can session: rice can, real can at room temperature, rice can. Definitely video the latter one!

We went with the cans session next! The dark can is the rice-filled one and the Modelo (the white can) is a “real” beer can at room temperature. It’ll now go in the fridge so I can do a fridge-temperature session next! Superchai!

I wonder if the reason Chai dropped the rice can twice in the video above is that I’ve used cans SO much lately (to build resiliency in case the beer can explodes) that she isn’t being careful about it anymore.

Next sessions:

  • 3x butter knife – 3x phone – butter knife
  • Rice can – fridge temperature beer can – rice can (if successful, take a can break!)

… turns out I don’t have a butter knife (that’s the knife I’d have Chai pick up). So our silverware will be limited to forks and spoons (I could have sworn there were knives and I had trained with them, but oh well). Instead of the knife I had planned to use as an easy object, I used the glue stick together with the phone. I didn’t get the phone 3 times in a row – it is still difficult. I won’t cross it off my list just yet. However, I’ll take the knife off the list and replace the glue stick with a poop bag roll. (Let’s be honest: how often do I use glue sticks? Almost never. How often do I use poop bags? Every day. Having Chai pick them up when I drop them is going to be much more useful.) She already loves carrying these rolls around, so it was easy to just plug them in with the similarly-shaped glue stick. I’ll also take the empty spray bottle off my list above because the spray bottle that used to be empty is in use now and no longer empty.

While Chai ended up handing me the phone successfully, I’ll only cross it off once I get it three times in a row without either of us dropping it during the hand-over. (I don’t mind earlier drops, but I want Chai to target my hand well with all the objects.)

Next sessions:

  • Rice can – fridge-temperature beer can – rice can (record and, if successful, take a can break!)
  • 3x Highlighter or poop bag roll – 3x phone – highlighter or poop bag roll

Trick dog training: fetch anything to hand (part 2)

January 6, 2024: highlighter, keys and bill

I’m layering easy objects in between new or difficult ones to keep Chai’s confidence high. Today’s easy object: a highlighter.

Chai found the 20-peso-bill VERY easy and did okay with the apartment keys + car keys. I’ll keep them in the rotation and play with them between rotations; they are more difficult than either key by itself.

Here’s our longer list of fetchable object goals:

Wallet (M), credit card (D), keys, phone (D), beer can (M), bank bill, full plastic bottles (D), coin, 2 types of mugs, leash handle (D), retractable leash (D), keys with new (yet to be acquired) key chain (D), silverware.

Next session(s):

Repeat keys (still difficult) and change the highlighter for another easy object!

January 9, 2024: exploding beer cans and a bit of fetch

I got two bottles of juice and decided to first play with them and then, if that went well, use them as the new object in today’s session. Since I was already at the store, I also picked up two cans of beer. I couldn’t find anything non-sparkly in a can, so beer it was from the beginning – even though I know about the dangers of exploding cans when playing with dogs. Well – we had fun with the juice. Chai also started out really well with the beer cans … until …

For the actual fetch session, I decided to leave the beer can be, but integrate a juice bottle. I didn’t realize how hard the juice bottle would be – the exploding can definitely had some bleed-over into Chai’s juice bottle feelings! She was being brave though after I made the juice bottle fun again. I ended on a successful rep and will add the bottle again next time to build more confidence. Lots of improvement on the keys though! I’ll add them in one more time before checking them off – basically, the next session will be a repeat of this one.

Next session(s):

+ Play with EMPTY cans.
+ Repeat today’s fetch session with keys and the juice bottle. Switch the easy object for a different easy object.

January 10, 2024: spoon, car keys, juice bottle

Chai did REALLY well today! I’ll keep the juice bottle for one more session – I want to catch it 3 times in a row before calling it done. That said, me dropping it in the first rep of today’s video is all me. The keys are turning into an EASY object! Wow!

I’ll keep my lists here, copy/pasting and adding new stuff when I think of it:

Fetchable object goals:

Wallet (M), credit card (D), keys, phone (D), beer can (M), bank bill, full plastic bottles, coin, 2 types of mugs, leash handle (D), retractable leash (D), keys with new (yet to be acquired) key chain, silverware.

Easy objects to rotate through and use “Gimme” cue on. The one(s) I want to do next are bolded:

  • Highlighter (Jan. 6, 2024)
  • 20-peso bill (Jan. 9, 2024)
  • Spoon (Jan. 10, 2024)
  • Fork
  • Knife
  • Coin
  • Keys
  • Glue stick
  • Empty spray bottle

I’ve also found a rule structure for this trick that I plan on sticking to:

  1. Start with 3 cued reps of an easy object. (More and more objects will move into this category and I will rotate through them to keep picking them up well oiled).
  2. Do a familiar, but not-yet-perfect object, aiming for 3 great times in a row.
  3. Do one easy-object rep if (2) was easy or 3 easy-object reps if (2) was difficult.
  4. Use a new or difficult object.
  5. If (4) went well, end after (4). If (4) was hard, do between 1 and 3 reps of the easy object and then end.
  • Every object should be picked up both from the puzzle mats and the floor.
  • New for future sessions: cue “Gimme” for the easy object of the day!

Next sessions:

  • Use the juice bottle again; new easy object with “Gimme!” cue (keys or coin).
  • Play with empty cans.

January 11, 2024: keys, juice bottle, wallet

I used the keys as today’s easy object … but they weren’t all that easy today! I’ll make sure to keep them in the easy-object rotation. The juice bottle was difficult as well; I will add it again in our next session. Where Chai knocked it out of the park was with the entirely new object: my wallet! She retrieved it to my hand 3 times as if it was the easiest thing in the universe! The wallet gets added to my easy-object list! I may take off the highlighter instead since Chai has been REALLY good with that one and done lots of reps with it already.

And, yep – I forgot to say the “Gimme” cue with the keys. That’s okay – next time!

Fetchable object goals:

Wallet, credit card (D), keys, phone (D), beer can (M), bank bill, full plastic bottles, coin, 2 types of mugs, leash handle (D), retractable leash (D), keys with new (yet to be acquired) key chain, silverware.

Easy-objects list:

  • 20-peso bill (Jan. 9, 2024)
  • Spoon (Jan. 10, 2024)
  • Fork
  • Knife
  • Coin
  • Keys (Jan. 11, 2024)
  • Glue stick
  • Empty spray bottle
  • Wallet

Next session(s):

  • Use juice bottle again
  • Play with empty beer cans
  • Remember to use “Gimme!” cue for easy objects!

June 12, 2024: coin, juice bottle … and definitely no mug (“How about some rawhide instead?”)

Today’s easy object was the coin. The juice bottle went well … I’m declaring it done for now! Go Chai! The mug, on the other hand, was a no go. I’ll have to think some more about how to introduce picking it up. Porcellain doesn’t seem to feel good on dog teeth! I found it very funny, smart and cute that Chai went and looked for something else to fetch, and ended up bringing me a piece of rawhide (something I’ve never asked her to fetch)! Also a win: I remembered to say, “Gimme!” when I meant to!

Fetchable object goals:

Wallet, credit card (D), keys, phone, beer can (M), bank bill, full plastic bottles, coin, 2 types of mugs (D), leash handle (D), retractable leash (D), keys with new (yet to be acquired) key chain, silverware.

Easy-objects list:

  • 20-peso bill (Jan. 9, 2024)
  • Spoon (Jan. 10, 2024)
  • Fork
  • Knife
  • Coin (Jan. 12, 2024)
  • Keys (Jan. 11, 2024 & January 14, 2024)
  • Glue stick
  • Empty spray bottle
  • Wallet (January 17, 2024)
  • Juice bottle (plastic) (Jan. 14, 2024; Jan. 16, 2024)

January 13, 2024: can and cup games for confidence

Today, we didn’t train-train (I was tired after our hike). So first, I left two empty cans out on the floor for the dogs to convert into toys – they did so quickly!

Following Game’s lead, Chai quickly picked up the empty cans carried them to the couch to chew on them. The Tecate is an empty can I found in the street. I don’t drink enough beer for this trick!

At night we played two cup games for the dogs’ dinner. You can see that Game is more confident toppling the cups in the first food game, but Chai is starting to pick them up in the second one! What a superstar! (Game had her kibble-in-a-cup while stationing on the couch while Chai was working on hers on the puzzle mats.)

Next session(s):

  • Play with beer cans filled with rice
  • Say “Gimme” on the second rep of easy objects (first rep is to test the waters)
  • Mug games: smear peanut butter on handle.

Sunday, January 14, 2024: cellphone success!

Wheeee! Today, Chai REALLY impressed me! I hesitated about simply adding the phone, but she was able to pick it up!!!! Go (not-so) puppy (anymore)!!! So proud!

Next session(s):

  • Play with cans filled with rice (for weight).
  • Use “Gimme” cue when I know she’ll fetch it!
  • Repeat phone with two easy objects! I’m not putting it on the easy list or checking it off my goals list yet – I want to see a few more fetches first; I can’t quite believe how well she did picking up such a difficult object!

January 16, 2024: I’m impressed by Chai’s phone skills!

I am tired today, so I just did a quick session, sliding the phone (which, in my mind but not in Chai’s, is still a difficult object) between two rounds of the plastic juice bottle. I wanted to use that bottle one more time before drinking it. Once again, Chai did amazing with the phone!

Next session(s):

  • Play with beer cans! (I filled them with rice last night; they are ready to go!)
  • If playing with them goes well, do a session of phone and cans and (if I feel like it) one other object: the wallet! If we get 3 phone reps in a row without dropping it, at least one of which from the floor rather than the puzzle mats, I will check it off my list!
  • Remember to use “Gimme!” when I’m sure Chai will fetch.

Note: instead of continuing to copy/paste my lists, I’ll be editing the previous one as we go.

January 17, 2024: wallet, phone and beer can play

We played with the two rice-filled beer cans. At first, Chai hesitated about picking them up even though she had chewed on the empty ones the other day. After making them seem special by juggling them and trying to “hide” them from her, she was ready to pick them up when rolling on the puzzle mat or being thrown on the bed. She’d carry them back to chew on the sofa, so I had to be quick to get them back to avoid rice-sized holes in the cans. No good video. I feel like we’re not quite ready to fetch them yet – I’ll do another round of this game tomorrow.

Our “Gimme” session went really well – I played with the phone and my wallet. For the first time, I put the phone on the floor (not the puzzle mats) as well. It was clearly harder to pick up there, but Chai rocked it! Go (not-so) puppy (anymore)!

I want to do another session with the phone on the floor before checking it off my list – I’d like to build a little more pick-up skills. And then … I get to sell that phone! I also wouldn’t mind a few more wallet fetches. While this is easy for Chai, we haven’t done a lot of repetitions yet. Our next session might look just like this one.

Next session(s):

  • More beer can 2-toy game.
  • Cup games: yummy stuff to lick off porcelain!
  • Repeat phone on floor.


Once Chai knows how to place objects into different containers, my hand will become just another container! Let’s see how we get from A to B.

October 12, 2023: first session of adding my hand to a familiar container

Nice start! In our next session, I’ll start with my hand in the bowl and then only offer my hand.

October 13, 2023: a lovely coin session!

I’m happy with today’s session!

October 17, 2023: Hand me a coin, continued!

Next time, I’ll vary the object!

October 26, 2023: I sit in a chair and Chai hands me a coin, tape, toy and toothbrush! Go puppy!

This is looking better and better! Some more generalizing of my body position, the location and the objects (this should also refine Chai’s targeting skills), and then the trick will be ready for a cue! (I’m thinking “Gimme!” or “Gimme, gimme, gimme!” – that ABBA song.)

October 29, 2023: different objects; no bowl to start with!

Chai did great today and understood what I wanted even though I didn’t start with a bowl! First object: the familiar baseball toy. No problem for her!

Second object: a squishy spiky ball. More fun to chew than hand to me!

Third object: the rubber thing that’s on my kitchen faucet. Tempting to chew at first but can then be handed over!

Fourth object: metal spoon. A little difficult to pick up the first time, but once she had figured it out, she did great!

I’ll keep working on this trick once or twice a week. I already have a couple winner objects I’ll keep mixing in: baseball toy, spoon, nail clippers, coin, glue stick. When using any of these, I’ll start using the “Gimme!” cue in the future.

I have a semi-new object (I used it but at an point in our training journey) I want to also use – no cue yet: an onion.

I also want to add the following new objects – maybe not every single one, but these come to mind: nail polish bottle (easy – I think), lime (easy – I think), plastic bottle lid (easy), beer can (medium – I think), mug (difficult to pick up), credit card (difficult), cellphone (difficult), wallet (medium), bill (difficult to not destroy?), keys (medium). No cue yet on any of these for sure.

I want to add a cue to all of the above and then try and get the same result when I’m standing up. Later on, I’d like to teach Chai to hand me objects I drop with the dropping itself being the cue.

October 21, 2023: adding the “Gimme” cue and standing up

Today, we worked with the glue stick, a 10-peso-coin and a spoon:

November 11, 2023

The keys on the keychain were too difficult … I’ll either take off the chain or use a different novel object next time!

January 3, 2023: Picking the fetch-anything-to-hand trick back up after a break!

I only used objects I thought would be easy and didn’t use a verbal cue in this session. I wanted to see how much Chai remembered!

Nice job, little Border Collie! She did really well and remembers the idea!

Notes for the next session:

I’ll use different objects next time – maybe start with the highlighter because it’s easy – and generalize a bit more before adding the “Gimme!” cue again and moving on to more difficult objects. I won’t use the DEET spray again because it probably tasted disgusting and may create aversion to this trick.

January 4, 2024: new objects!

Today, I tried some new objects and the keys Chai had struggled with when they had the chain attached … turns out they are still hard without a chain, as is a full water bottle:

Notes for the next session(s):

  • Keep up the 3-successful-reps-in-a-row strategy before switching objects!
  • Water bottle strategy: start with an empty one and work up to bottles containing more and more liquid (add weight) OR buy two full bottles and play a 2-toy game with them (like I did with the coins) to teach Chai she can pick them up.
  • Keys strategy: turn it into a game to teach her she can pick them up. Maybe 2 sets of keys for a game of 2-toy fetch?
  • Objects I want to eventually work up to (no rush): wallet (probably medium), credit card (probably difficult), keys (difficult), phone (probably difficult), beer can (probably medium after I’ve taught heavy, i.e. full, plastic bottles), bill (easy except for the danger of being ripped to shreds).

January 5, 2024: solving the key chain mystery!

I decided to play with the keys to see if I could encourage Chai to pick them up this way. My original suspicion, after trying with the full-length key chain attached, was that it was the keychain (the size of the object) that made it too hard to pick up. When I unclipped the chain (except for its little end piece) yesterday and Chai still couldn’t pick up the keys, I thought it was most likely the car key (the electronic key; maybe something inside of it smells weird or vibrates in some scary way you bite down on it). I tested this by first only using the keys, and then the keys with the keychain, and then only the car keys … turns out Chai is happy to play with both the keys and the car keys – but NOT with the little end piece of the key chain! Fascinating! I don’t know what it is about that piece, but I’m just going to have her let a say in this and will get a new keychain!

Without further ado – here’s our play session:

And the subsequent fetch session:

Here is a list of the overall fetch-to-hand objects that matter to me and the ones that I’ve already accomplished. Some of them are for fun; some of them are potentially useful service dog tasks if I drop stuff. This list is longer than yesterday’s list. E stands for “I believe it will be easy,” M for “medium difficulty” and D for “difficult.” This is just my suspicion; she may surprise me!

Wallet (M), credit card (D), keys, phone (D), beer can (M), bank bill (easy except for the danger of being ripped to shreds), full plastic bottles (D), coin, 2 types of mugs, leash handle (D), retractable leash (D), keys with new (yet to be acquired) key chain (D).

I’ll put at least one of the above we haven’t yet conquered into each new rotation! Eventually, I want “dropping the thing” to be the cue for Chai to pick it up and hand it to me. Same goes for pointing and “Gimme” if I haven’t dropped the thing. Only the beer cans may go into a more complex trick if I feel like it (open fridge, get beer, close fridge, bring beer …). The phone may be put on a “find my phone” cue if I feel like it – I am very talented at displacing my phone, so this may be neat and more useful (though less fun) than teaching Chai to fetch it when it rings.


October 1, 2023: Chai’s first two “hug an object” shaping sessions!

Very happy with how today’s sessions went!

Notes for next time:

+ Take turns standing and kneeling myself.
+ Only click for paws on the respective outside of the pole (to eventually get up to pole between paws).
+ When appropriate, select for paw curls around object/reinforce duration; whatever makes more sense depending on what Chai offers!

October 2, 2023 – a tiny bit of duration and paw curls

Today’s two sessions! I’m now trying to select for paw curls on either side and have stopped clicking for paws on the “wrong” side of the pole. Catching those curls is difficult though – Chai is moving fast!

October 7, 2023: back to shaping after a break!

After taking a few days’ break from shaping, we picked back up with the “Hug an object” trick. In this session, I get quite a lot of variation to select from! I end up clicking the jump-hug once or twice because it’s the first time I get both paws, but then stop clicking it because Silvia has warned us: we don’t want a dog who ends up leaning on the object, but a dog who sits and hugs it independently. You see a bit of confusion in Chai when I stop clicking the jumps. I still have to say: love the variation! Maybe next time, I’ll start out with a sit.

October 10, 2023: 2 sessions!

2 sessions today! We started from a sit.

Session 1

Session 2

October 11, 2023: getting nicer hugs with the pole close and feeding in a sit!

Silvia’s feedback “Very cool! Just yes, put the pole close to her chest so she can’t lie down. If she still does, reward so high that she needs to get up first to get the reward. In general, reward higher if getting a down – and lower if getting sit up.”

Based on their feedback – today’s video:

October 14, 2023: duration!

Silvia suggested I aim for duration next. This is tricky with this behavior because Chai doesn’t offer duration. I wondered whether I should try and shape it the same way I shape duration on a hold with a chompy dog: wait out 2 or 3 re-bites before clicking and hope the dog eventually figures out that they might as well simply keep their mouth closed for the time it would take to open and close their mouth 3 times. I went into today’s session with the plan on feeding every 3rd paw sweesh past the pole. But Chai totally surprised me and gave me duration right on the first try!

The cut in the video is me re-loading my hands with food. Chai didn’t immediately offer the same behavior again, so I counted 3 paw swabs … after a little messiness, she gave me duration again though! WOW! I was so excited I took it and fed all my treats even though she was half-way leaning on my arm. Go puppy! We are getting somewhere!

October 16, 2023: duration gets hard again

I asked Silvia what to focus on when getting messy duration as above. Here’s their response:

“Great – should be easy from here on!!! Just continue like this, focusing on duration. Once you have that consistently, start looking for firmness of the hug – pulling the pole away gently and rewarding for resistance.”

It wasn’t easy for Chai today though: at first, she tried leaning against the pole. I seem to have communicated that that’s not what I want, so she kept sliding off instead … I realized it was partly because she was too far from the pole, but when I try to get dog and pole closer together, Chai has a tendency to scoot backwards, away from it. The video below shows some messy communication between Chai and me!

October 17, 2023: back to looking for deep single-paw hugs

Silvia’s feedback on my last video:

“[L]looks like she is actually confusing it with “sit up with support for front feet”… So maybe focus some on getting just one paw first. Reward lower to encourage that. Look for nice, deep 1 paw hugs to clean up the behavior some before going for duration again.” 

Silvia sees what I see, too. I’m surprised they expected the behavior to smoothly progress from the previous video – that speed of understanding is not what I’m used to with my dogs. I wonder if Silvia typically gets this much understanding this fast! (Not that I’d complain if I got it; it’s just not what I expect.)

In any case – below is our next attempt:

October 18, 2023: continuing (trying) to clean up deep single-paw hugs

The cuts in the video below are me getting treat refills – this was a single session.

CHAIARY – TRICKS: 4 PAWS IN A BOWL (part 6 of 6)!

September 30, 3023: a messy session with 2 nice reps

Training plan:

  1. Only bowl #5 – 2 “Good”s followed by 1 “Get it!”
  2. Only bowl #6 – “Get it!”
  3. Only bowl #5 – 2 “Good”s followed by 1 “Get it!”
  4. Only bowl #6 – “Get it!”

Home position: treat hand on thigh.

Today’s session was messy – my head wasn’t in the game and neither was Chai’s balance in the first part of the session. However, (3) and (4) – the last two bowl reps – looked great. Let me show you those so you can see what we are aiming for!

My goal is a session that looks exactly like this one – minus the paw coming out (see the freeze frame in the video above). We’ll get there!

Plan for the next session:

Practice without a dog first; then repeat today’s session – but shorten it to:

  1. Only bowl #5 – 2 “Good”s followed by 1 “Get it!”
  2. Only bowl #6 – “Get it!”

Home position: treat hand on thigh.

October 1, 2023: woohooo! A most excellent session!

Chai nailed this session! The adjustments I’ve made over the last few sessions are paying off: with my treat hand on my thigh rather than behind my back, Chai manages to stay in bowl #5 until the “Get it” marker. By keeping the session short (each bowl only shows up once), she has the stamina to do it all.

I also love how well my different marker cues work in this session. Good choice for this one!

Plan for the next session:

Repeat as above, but move home position of my treat hand behind my back again. This will build a little more duration. Stay at that stage until Chai can stay in bowl #5 until the “Get it” marker with this session profile as well.

The next session!

Because today’s first 4-in session was short and good, I went ahead and implemented the plan for the next one the same day:

I like how this looks. Chai does jump out of both bowls with her back legs, but it happens both times when I’m saying “Get it” (a terminal marker). I’ll count it as a success!

Next session:

+ Repeat just like this one but add the “Four” cue again!

October 2, 2023: adding the “Four” cue

I repeated the same session with the Four cue for both bowls. However, this time, Chai’s back feet came out after every marker. We’ll stay at this stage until I get another session where her paws stay in when I say, “Good” (room service)! (Got video but allowing myself not to edit and share so I get more training and book editing done instead!)

October 10, 2023: back to training after being sick

Wheee, C! This is the first time after being sick for a week that I managed THREE shaping sessions (two hug an object ones and this one)! Slowly but certainly, I’m climbing back out my hole of exhaustion!

More of the same … but this time, I’ll show you a video. As a reminder, the current criteria are:

+ Home position: treat hand behind back
+ Bowl #5: “Four!” cue – 2x “Good,” 1x “Get it!”
+ Bowl #6: “Four!” cue – 1x “Get it!”

We’ll stay at this stage until Chai’s paws stay in bowl #5 until “Get it.” I’ll likely video all sessions, but only show you every second or third one to save on editing time. In any case, I’ll be sure to show you the one we meet all criteria!

October 14, 2023: room service and balancing success in bowl #5!!

Over the last few days, I’ve had daily sessions, but Chai didn’t manage to stay in bowl #5 all the way to my “Get it!” marker. So while I filmed, I didn’t edit these videos – I prefer time spent training over editing! Yesterday, she almost did it – she held her balance until after the second “Good!” Today, she DID it and held her balance in bowl #5 until my “Get it!” (terminal) marker! Woohoo! Video proof of the superstar below:

Session profile of the video above:

+ Home position: treat hand behind back.
+ Transition behavior: blink once.
+ Goal post: stay in bowl #5 until “Get it!”

Notes for the next session:

+ Start with only bowl #6.
+ Single “Good” followed by a single “Get it!”
+ If this goes well, the next session after will have 2 “Good”-s – and then, I will call the trick complete!

October 16, 2023: success with bowl #6!

While struggling to gain her balance at first, Chai found it – and then stayed in bowl #6 until my “Get it!” release! Go puppy!!!

Notes for next session:

+ Same as today, but do 2 room service “Good”s before the “Get it!”
+ Stay at this stage until Chai finds balance right away. Then, declare the trick a success!

October 18, 2023: Chai’s balance improves!

In yesterday’s session, Chai lost her balance after the first “Good” (room service) marker. Today, she made it until the second “Good!” We are – slowly but surely – getting there!

October 19, 2023: duration on “Four” cues in our smallest bowl – marker cue shaping SUCCESS!

SO proud of my superstar! This concludes our “Four” journey! Bowl #6 was the smallest one I aimed for – and Chai just held her duration for 2 “Good”-s until the following “Get it!” Balance queen! Let’s celebrate!

Week 24 digest: September 10-17, 2023

September 10, 2023: a very lazy day

Activity level: low

The AM

Both dogs went to Fresa Parque for half an hour and I did some Game brushing. I can see what my students tell me over and over again happened to their stellar puppy recall happening to my informal recall (the throway pup-pup-pup recall): it’s getting weaker and weaker becauser all I’ve been doing is use it rather than actually work on it. It is fun to observe how different her response is between this one and the formal recall I’ve been building!

The remains of the day

Getting back home, Game was feeling horny! She’ll go into heat soon. The horny phase is one of her early tells. A little play, and then Chai said enough and I separated them, letting both settle down with a chew. (A chew is a good place to put your horniness, says Game.)

All three of us were feeling lazy and kept the day low key.

Home alone

Both dogs stayed home alone when I went out with friends for a few hours.

September 11, 2023: renaming Fresa Parque

Activity level: average

The AM

We spent 45 minutes at the Urban Enrichment Jungle (the new name I’ve given to Fresa Parque). I’ll put together an Urban Enrichment video compilation sometime – it is quite impressive! This morning, the dogs found:

+ Soaked popcorn: Game loved it after having turned her back on it yesterday when it wasn’t soaked yet.
+ Chai found an apple and stuck with it even though I scattered kibble to compare values. Game preferred the scatter over the apple.
+ Both dogs snacked on these little artificially colored heart-shaped candies someone had dropped and that were partially crushed into the ground, turning them into an excellent food toy.

Once upon a time, that’s how today’s food toy must have started out. Pixabay image by omnigrapher (thank you!)

Apart from food enrichment – apples have been common recently and Chai is a fan! – the Urban Enrichment Jungle also comes with:

+ Social contacts in the form of familiar and unfamiliar humans and dogs.
+ Other dogs’ toys that can be chased together with other dogs or stolen and traded for treats.
+ A dog playground (aka agility-ish equipment in the dog park we sometimes have to ourselves).
+ The Antagonist Chai likes to try and outsmart (a person who puts bread crumbs for pajaros on the ground every morning and mostly, but not always observes said birds from a bench across from the crumbs). The person has a long stick, and every time a dog comes close to the crumbs, they will use that stick to try and shoo the dog away without getting up. Chai tends to run and check for crumbs. She navigates the person like a challenge, making sure to stay out of the reach of the stick, bouncing back when the stick comes close, but then trying to go for the bread again. I’ll remove her out of respect for the person, but it is FASCINATING to observe the interaction (which sometimes happens before I get there).
+ Speaking of pajaros: Game very much enjoys running into a flock of pigeons who often hang out on the other side of this park. Game will chase them off and then check for their food source – it’s either grist, which she doesn’t like, or bread, which she’ll inhale.
+ Sometimes, we even see a Bengal cat being walked on a leash at the Urban Enrichment Jungle.
+ Occasionally, there’s George a squirrel or two. This isn’t the most squirrely park we frequent, so the squirrels are surprise highlights!

But back to this morning! We left when Game greeted Eva (a BC friend) with too much of a Malinois attitude for Eva’s taste. Before going into heat, her play style typically becomes more physically intense. That goes well with dogs who know her well, but weirds out others. So far, Eva and Game have only played running games, and Eva felt overwhelmed by a wrestling-mood Game. Game is clearly getting close to her heat: both her joy about small things and her likelihood of getting highly aroused by small things go up. I can see that in her play behavior and her interactions with me and the world. Hormones are wild! (I assume heat in dogs is caused by hormones, but I don’t actually know that – if it’s something else and you know, please enlighten me in the comments!)

In any case, it is fascinating to observe! This morning, we got to the park half an hour earlier than usual and Game was SO peppy! Shiny eyes, running bouncily back and forth like a playful, juvenile dog who can’t get enough of the world. These are two sides of the same coin. The time before she goes into heat really seems to emotionally sensitize her: she’ll express her feelings more than she does the rest of the year. Her joy looks twice as joyful and her wild play gets twice as wild and more easily tips into overarousal.

Maybe tomorrow, I’ll only take Chai to the Urban Enrichment Jungle and Game and I will go biking or inline skating later instead.

Home alone

Chai stayed home alone for 30 minutes while Game and I skated errands.

Solo adventure

Chai and I walked to the Toy Play Plaza for some running around and a recall set-up in the afternoon.

We walked part of the way back home in collar mode with between 5 and 40 steps between treats. Chai was being brilliant and only overstepped once!


We worked on the sit up trick, the put-one-object into another one trick with the nailclippers and the 4 paws in bowl #5 trick. In our next 4 in a bowl session, I will re-attach the cue!

In the evening, we had a frog session on the couch – without a pillow. Both of Chai’s legs were stretched back all the way! I believe this was our best session yet!

September 12, 2023: squirrels, street food and some training

Activity level: average

The AM

I took Game on a loop around the block and then Chai by herself for half an hour’s Urban Enrichment Jungling. Game in her pre-heat-days is not the best fit for the ruckus of the morning park dogs. She’ll get to go on her own outing later.

Chai played briefly with two of her friends, but then showed more interest in non-social enrichment like the apple she found and ate and stealing two balls. She’s growing up to be a most excellent ladrona. I like that streetsmart gangstery side of hers – the one that dodges The Antagonist and steals toys to trade in for food. She’s benign trouble; the best kind.

Home alone

Chai stayed home alone for Game’s mid-morning walk.


+ We worked on the 4-in bowl #5 trick and I successfully re-attached the “Four” cue (no video).1 In my next session, I’ll take another stab at – drumroll! – bowl #6!
+ We worked on the sit up trick with the paw target (no video, but I am feeling less weight on the plate now – Chai is making progress!)
+ We worked on putting the nail clippers in the china bowl and the smaller plastic bowl.
+ Chai did a crooked frog after the dogs’ evening loop.

PM adventure

If you see a dog who’s not the color they originally came in, it’s probably one of mine.

Game, Chai and I walked to Dead Poultry Park and spent about an hour there. Game chased squirrels, Chai found and enjoyed parts of un melón and a fun mud hole and did an easy “Snow” recall for a taco she then shared with Game.

Left: multi-squirrel tree. Right: just a Malinois running up a palm tree in pursuit of said squirrels.

Popcorn and a movie Squirrels and a muskmelon.


+ A shower (after enjoying a mud hole at Dead Poultry Park)
+ “Brush” (Chai looks so handsome and shiny after today’s bath and brushing session!)

September 12, 2023: formal recall success and feeling better about pedicures!

Activity level: lower end of average

The AM

Game got a loop around the block and Chai went to the Urban Enrichment Jungle. She was SO happy to see her friend Dina and play and run with her – the two of them haven’t seen each other in a while and it made me smile to watch them.

Later in the morning, the dogs and I went to Toy Play Plaza for another back-tied recall session. Chai ROCKED it today! We’ll work off leash next time …!

Both dogs ran around the plaza for a little bit and Chai briefly played with a BC-mix looking dog we hadn’t met before.


+ Four in – I successfully added bowl #6 – the smallest one! – into bowl #5 (see today’s video).
+ One object in another on the roof (nail clippers) – Chai got 2/3 on the first try in the china bowl (the third one needed a second try) and THREE out of THREE with the smaller plastic container (no video)!

Home alone

Both dogs stayed home alone for several hours.


+ Brush
+ “Claws!” (right front paw) – again, way better than the last time! We’re almost back to feeling neutral about mani-pedis!
+ Since the right front paw had gone so well, I did the left front paw after a break as well. This one was also better than last week (or was it two weeks ago?), but Chai was less calm about it than about the right one. I wonder if that’s because this paw is more sensitive OR because this was the second paw I worked on today. Note to self: if I remember (a big if), reverse the order next time and see what happens!

September 14, 2023: nothing wildly exciting, but headphones are tasty

Activity level: average

The AM

Chai stayed home alone for Game’s morning loop and went on a solo adventure to Urban Enrichment Jungle, and then both joined my morning errands. Chai did okay on her back clip harness in terms of not pulling a lot even though Game was off leash and ahead of her. Good puppy!

Home alone

Game and Chai stayed home alone for 3 hours.

Recall and Toy Play Plaza

We did the easy taco recall of the day at Toy Play Plaza. Chai rocked it and both dogs got to hang out outside for a bit. I had been planning on training after getting home, but ended up feeling too tired. Lots of video editing in the morning and then 3 hours of Spanish peer-supporting … The dogs and I took a snuggle break and called it a day, watching The Lady and the Dale instead. I know people love this documentary but I’ve got some issues with it … anyways, that’s a topic for another day!

Chai ate my headphones, which is sad but right on time: I tend to need new ones before international flights. Story of my life!

September 15, 2023: Dead Poultry Park adventures

Activity level: average

The AM

Chai stayed home alone for Game’s morning loop and then got to go on a brief solo adventure at Toy Play Plaza for our next formal recall step – recalling away from an empty paper target in its usual spot! Success! – and some running around.

Then both dogs stayed home alone while I ran biked what felt like a gazillion pre-travel errands.

Adventuring at Dead Poultry Park

I met a friend at the park and we spent a few hours walking loops, climbing art and taking fun pictures. Both Chai and Game got to come and enjoy chasing squirrels, running and, in Chai’s case, rolling in a mud puddle – one of her favorite things in the world!

Chai, proudly presenting her war paint after the first mud puddle she encountered (when there was still some white left on her face).

September 16, 2023: recall success and meeting a new dog sitter

Activity level: average

The AM

I took both dogs to Toy Play Plaza for their morning adventure, knowing it wouldn’t be as crowded as the Urban Enrichment Jungle. We started with an off leash recall away from the kibble distraction in our usual spot and Chai ROCKED it. Bestest Border Collie ever!

I am still amused that my own dog has been more difficult to distraction recall train than most client dogs I’ve worked with over the last 5 years or so. It feels like we are playing a strategy game where Chai’s goal is to know when she can reach the distraction without coming back first and my goal is to convince her that coming back first is worth her while. There are days that feel like she knows it is worth her while but prioritizing her goal is simply more fun. That is probably not the case since dogs tend to be opportunists, but I like thinking about it that way because it cracks me up. Chai is smart and serious about this to the degree that it doesn’t matter who meets their goal at any given day (she or I) – we just keep playing, and THAT’s what the game is really about, for me anyways: we both have fun. Bernard Suits would say it is an open game – not the kind of game recall training typically is!


+ “Nails!” (both back paws; Chai was super chill and relaxed about it – back claws are easier than front paws!)
+ “Brush!”

Home alone

Chai stayed home alone for a little under 1.5 hours while Game and I walked errands.

Training and fitness!

+ We worked on putting a coin in both the porcelain bowl and the smaller plastic container on the roof. China bowl easy – plastic container hard!
+ After Chai’s solo adventure, we worked on the “4 in” trick.
+ Before bed time, Chai did a frog on the couch.

Solo adventure

We went to visit Chai’s dog sitter so she could meet them and their dogs a day before being left there. Gerardo, the main sitter, is a BIG person. While Chai has a decent number of human friends, they are all MY friends and we’re all scrappy, lean and athletic. We’re kind of like Whippets and this person was like a Anatolian Shepherd. Chai is more on the Whippety side of canine personality and morphology as well and I had to protect her a bit from Gerardo and their mom so they wouldn’t touch her.

I hope they will humor me and only touch or put a harness on Chai when she approaches first. Sadly, Scarlett is out of town, and Alan is having the craziest work week and can’t take a second juvenile Border Collie (Kiba is already kicking his butt because he doesn’t have enough time for her).

I hope Chai will be the same dog I dropped off when I come back to pick her up again. In any case, Alan will drop by sometime next week to check on her and put my mind at ease.

Chai got to play with the sitters’ own dogs Marley (a well-matched play partner for her) and Tae (who barked nonstop while we were there, which didn’t seem to bother the sitters at all).

Marley (left) and Tae (right). I didn’t take these pictures; Gerardo sent them to me yesterday. Today, they were both wearing choke chains. (No problem for me as long as Gerardo keeps the promise to only walk Chai in her harness or not walk her at all, which I really hope they will.)

On the way home, we stopped at the Urban Enrichment Jungle and looped around a little to decompress. Now Chai is passed out on the couch. When she wakes up again later, we’ll work on the 4 in trick.

September 17, 2023: good-byes are hard!

The AM

After a brief loop, we all went back to bed. Around noon, we took a brief walk to the not-particularly-enriching (today) Urban Enrichment Jungle.

Back home, we worked on 4 in and placing one object into another one.

Then, the three of us met Alan at Kiba’s Park for good-byes and Austria-related emotional support. Thank you, Alan, for being here and knowing just the things to say. I hope I am able to do this for you, too.

Chai’s off on a multi-day solo adventure …

At 7pm, I dropped Chai off with the sitter … and let me tell you, it was HARD. I love the sensitive little Border Collie.

In any case, it’s a good exercise for ME to leave Chai with Gerardo, who is a very different person than I. I genuinely believe most people are competent, even if they are competent in ways other than my own. So I remind myself: trust that Chai will be okay. She has proven herself to be a resilient dog time and again – this life experience will make her even more so.

  1. This week, you’ll see me run out of video-editing steam. Recording is fast and fun, but editing is not (for me). Because I was running out of steam, I videoed less and took pictures instead or didn’t bring a phone at all (my preferred way of leaving the house).

    My original plan was to video and document Chai’s life until I adopted her out.

    My updated plan, after I decided to keep her, was to document the first year of her life. However – future me dropping in here – this won’t happen, at least not in video form. It’s too much work – I haven’t made it all the way to the 1-year mark as far as videoing and documenting absolutely everything is concerned. She’s still being the bestest puppy though, whether there’s video to prove it or not! ↩︎


September 5, 2023: today, bowl #5 is looking good!

Notes for the next session:

  • Repeat everything just like this one more time to build confidence and stamina.
  • Note to self: remember that the home position of my treat hand is behind my back! Chai can do it!

September 6, 2023: from a little insecurity and wobbliness to beautiful balance in bowl #5!

Session profile:

  • Home position: treat hand behind back
  • Marker cues: good, get it
  • Transition behavior: blink
  • Treat placement: room service 1-2 inches above floor marker
  • Mirror: yes

Chai did really well in the later reps. However, the first one where she offered a sit is a sign of her not being sure she can do it. She also struggled to balance the first few times I used my room service marker (good). So I’ll have one more session just like this one for good measure. Once I consistently get confidence and balance, I’ll re-attach the “Four” cue … and only THEN will we look into going down in bowl size again. Slow and steady wins the race!

Personal win for this session: I remembered my home position (behind back) throughout the video! Go me (I cheer on my students! So yes, of course I cheer on myself as well. Dog lover or dog trainer – I suggest you do the same for yourself!)

September 8, 2023: no more struggles to get started but still finding our balance

Today’s session was good! Chai knew she could do it from the first rep onwards, and I am happy with my timing and feeding mechanics in this session. However, Chai was still a little wobbly in some reps. I’ll stay at this stage for another session or two. Before moving on to re-attaching a cue, I want to get 8 treats – 4 “Good”s and 4 “Get it”s – without Chai losing her balance and stepping out between “Good” and “Get it.” Remember: clear, achievable criteria make our dog training lives a lot easier!

September 11, 2023: balance success!

No video, but 4 + 4 success! Yay! In the next session, I’ll re-attach the “Four!” cue and go for 4 “Good”s and 4 “Get it”s without getting out of the bowl in between again!

September 12, 2023: re-attaching the “Four” cue to bowl #5!

No video – but I repeated yesterday’s 4 + 4 success, remembered my transition behavior every single time AND re-attached the “Four” cue. Go Chai and go C!

Notes for the next session:

+ Take video!
+ No cue.
+ Two good-and-get-it-s with bowl #5
+ Two immediate get-it-s with bowl #6 in bowl #5.
+ End session!

September 13, 2023: success with bowl #6 in bowl #5!!

Wooohooooo! We did it! We’re back to (our new, higher-walled) bowl #6! We will proceed carefully from here on forwards, but I’m already VERY happy with how this is coming along! No hesitation at all about the new bowl in the old bowl! Go Chai!

Notes for the next session:

  • Re-watch this video and then decide how to best proceed to avoid the drop in confidence our last bowl #6 attempt created!

September 16, 2023: good and get-its in bowl #5 as well as bowl #6 in bowl #5!

The plan:

Two good-and-get-it-s in bowl #5 followed by two good-and-get-it-s in bowl #6 insinde of bowl #5. We’re inching our way closer to the goal …

This went really well!

Here’s the plan for our next session:

  1. One good-and-get-it rep with bowl #5
  2. One good-and-get-it rep with bowl #6 in bowl #5
  3. One good-and-get-it rep with bowl #5
  4. One immediate “get it!” rep with bowl #6 WITHOUT bowl #5!
  5. End!

Sneaky AF but I believe that is exactly what we need!

September 17, 2023: bowl #5 and bowl #6

I stuck to the plan I made yesterday! (Behind me, the sheet on the armario you can see in the video? That’s where I wrote down steps 1-4 from above!)

This went really well – I stuck to the plan. However, sometimes, you’ll see Chai step out of the bowl after the “good” treat. I did not expect her to step back in before the “Get it” as I usually would. So – plan for next session: repeat the same steps and insist on Chai staying in after “Good!” Maybe even do more than one “Good” in the larger bowl so Chai doesn’t expect the immediate “Get it” release. Yes – this is what I’ll do now that I think through it:

  1. Only bowl #5 – 2 “Good”s followed by 1 “Get it!”
  2. Bowl #6 in bowl #5 – one “good” and one “Get it” – if Chai steps out after the “Good,” wait for her to step back in before cueing “Get it!”
  3. Only bowl #5 – 2 “Good”s followed by 1 “Get it!”
  4. Only bowl #6 – immediate “Get it!”

I’ll definitely need a cheat sheet for that one!

September 26, 2023 – our first session after getting back from Austria and picking Chai up from the dog sitter’s!

After a break Game and I spent in Austria, I picked right up where we left off! I put a cheat sheet on the armario and did what I had set out to do in my “notes for the next session” above!

Wooohooooo! For the first time E-VER, Chai put all 4 paws in our new bowl #6 (last rep in this clip)! I love it!

Plan for the next session:

  1. Only bowl #5 – 2 “Good”s followed by 1 “Get it!”
  2. Only bowl #6 – “Get it!”
  3. Only bowl #5 – 2 “Good”s followed by 1 “Get it!”
  4. Only bowl #6 – “Get it!”

September 27, 2023 – today, I don’t look at the cheat sheet enough!

Today’s session didn’t go as planned. Not because of Chai but because after writing and attaching my cheat sheet to the armario – I simply forgot to look at it and apparently, my head wasn’t in the game today. It happens.

Note to self: make sure to be fully awake when training and potentially practice without Chai first!

Plan for tomorrow: just like yesterday’s plan, but follow through!

  1. Only bowl #5 – 2 “Good”s followed by 1 “Get it!”
  2. Only bowl #6 – “Get it!”
  3. Only bowl #5 – 2 “Good”s followed by 1 “Get it!”
  4. Only bowl #6 – “Get it!”

September 28, 2023: sticking to the training plan!

This time, I stuck to the plan! Woohoo! (I also practiced all steps without Chai first and labeled the bowls #5 and #6.) These extra steps are like writing cheat sheets for yourself to pass a test: it is the act of having written them that will help you remember the steps rather than the cheat sheet itself. I feel like practicing without a dog and labeling the bowls works the same way for me.

Tip: if you are struggling with timing, mechanics or sticking to a training plan – do a quick session without your dog were your full attention is on your own movements! Trust me – it makes a hell of a difference!

I’m happy with how I handled Chai’s hickups in the video above (getting out of bowl #5 after my “good” marker). The reason I moved my home position back behind my back was that I thought she could hold that duration in bowl #6 – just not in #5. However, seeing how hard this was for her, tomorrow’s session will look similar but different:

I’ll move home position for my treat hand on my thigh and repeat what we did today.

September 29, 2023: changing my home position (treat hand on thigh)

I followed the cheat sheet again today! The new home position helps Chai by cutting down the duration of holding her position between treats. However, she still steps out a few times. I will stay at this same stage until I get zero step-outs between the first “Good” and the “Get it” for bowl #5. This should also resolve Chai being mesmerized by my food hand being visible!

We’ve worked like this before – but she’s still a juvenile dog and juvenile brains are all over the place when it comes to desires and impulse control.


September 1, 2023: second session on the roof with unexpected hick-ups

Info in the subtitles. Spoiler: this session didn’t go as planned!

Notes for the next session:

+ Put something into the plastic container so it isn’t as deep (easier to eat from) or find another container of similar diameter, but with lower walls!
+ Repeat the previous session!

September 4, 2023: another less-than-perfect smaller container

I tried a small yoghurt container after starting over with the porcelain bowl. Chai had a hard time!

Notes for the next session:

+ Start with the porcelain bowl again.
+ Switch to the plastic container from the last-but-one session and change its depth to avoid the aversiveness of the smash-eyes-into-container-walls experience Chai had last time! See how that goes and take it from there.

September 5, 2023: let’s chew up this clicker!

Notes for the next session:

  • Repeat with both containers.
  • Swap the partially eaten clicker out for a different object – something that doesn’t splinter, is a similar size and makes a sound upon impact in the china bowl … a ver
  • Shorten total session time.

September 6, 2023: a new object (nail clippers) and two containers

I’m happy with this session – and with myself for ending it when I did and Chai was still having a good time!

Notes for the next session:

+ Repeat just like today until I get reliable nail clippers in the second container!

September 8, 2023: making progress on the nail clippers project!

This session went well! Jackpots really get the point across for Chai!

Notes for the next session:

  • Do another session with the same two containers and the nail clippers. Can I get 3 + 3 reps with the clippers in both containers, no misses at all?
  • No need to record the next one – I need a video-editing break and I don’t think it would show a lot of new stuff anyways!

September 11, 2023: a stab at 3 jackpots with 2 containers

We did the session I had planned on and I allowed myself the luxury to not film (i.e. no video editing). Chai got the nail clippers into the porcelain bowl on her first three attempts, but needed 5 or 6 attempts with the smaller plastic container (we worked until she got a jackpot 3 times with that container as well). I’ll stay at this step until I get 3 wins in the plastic container right away. Permission to train and not film!

September 13, 2023: a nail clippers win!

Chai got the nail clippers 2/3 times into the porcelain bowl on her first try and THREE/THREE into the smaller plastic container! Go puppy!!! (No video.)

September 16, 2023: coins, coins, coins!

I was going to go for both clippers AND a coin in both containers today, but only brought a 10-peso-coin to the roof – so we started with that one right away. Porcelain bowl: easy. Plastic bowl: hard. I’ll keep working on the plastic bowl with different objects and also make sure to throw in easy porcelain bowl reps to keep the rate of reinforcement high.

September 17, 2023: an indoors session

It was hot and humid out today so we trained inside – but not on the puzzle mat to create contextual difference to the 4 paws in trick. I used the porcelain bowl as well as the smaller plastic container and 3 different objects: a glue stick, a 10-peso coin and a nail. The plastic container needs work – stay at this stage; potentially change an object or two!

September 26, 2023: glue stick, plug and coin in china bowl and plastic container – varying locations

Varying the location of the china bowl REALLY made a difference in Chai’s understanding! I love it!

I want to have a similar session again – and I’d like to add my hands as a new “bowl” to the game soon as well! There are endless possibilities with this trick!


August 22, 2023

Today, we started working on the sit up trick. I did 8 very short session, starting with 4 refreshers of the 2-paws-on-a-plate behavior and then experimenting with how to best position myself and the plate to provide a sit-up target for Chai. Since I’m too tired to edit all 8 videos, I’ll show you one of our recap videos and a small sit-up compilation. The last one is the one I’m submitting to Silvia Trkman1 for feedback – this is one of the tricks on their list!

Recap: 2 front paws on a plate

Sit up compilation

I like how Chai is did and I believe I’ve found a good angle for her to put up her paws by the end of this compilation. In the last rep, she was great. I, on the other side, forgot to mark. It happens! It doesn’t matter. We are having fun!

August 23, 2023

It’s our second day working on the sit-up behavior! We had five short sessions over the course of the morning. Below a compilation of the last ones with my thoughts in the subtitles!

August 28, 2023

Sessions 1 & 2

I waited for Sylvia’s feedback about what position in my video was the best before progressing to session 3. It’s at 01:55 in the video below! A 90° angle to the floor. I need to feed a little back and up to prevent Chai from leaning.

Sessions 3-5

It’s hard for me to see whether Chai’s back is straight (that elusive 90° angle I can only make out when reviewing videos). The mirror doesn’t help (I need to find a better position for it). Maybe a back rest will make a difference?

Silvia’s feedback on my couch session:

Last try was really good, but seems that this was harder because of the soft surface under her, so I would go back to what you did in the previous video. You should be able to feel how much weight she is putting on a plate to know how good her position is.

I’m curious about Silvia’s feedback regarding Chai’s wandering butt!

August 30, 2023

Silvia’s feedback:

You can set her so there is a wall behind her to prevent shuffling. […] It’s also about strength […], so maybe she is leaning so much because she has to – and shuffling because it’s too hard. So do let her lean a lot if she needs to, avoid too many repetitions […] and just give her the time she needs to build the strength needed.”

So today, we had a single session in the morning with the wall behind Chai’s back. I might have one more – equally short – tonight. In any case, going forwards, I’ll do two short 1-rep sessions/day at the most with this trick.

August 31, 2023

Another sit-up with a wall behind Chai’s back!

This time, Chai was so close to the wall that she was leaning against it. I paid attention to my mechanics and stuck to the session profile I decided on. I’m happy with this session!

Silvia’s feedback:

I would do a couple of sessions more like this and then fade the wall when you feel it’s getting really easy for her.

So that’s the plan! I did another session the next day – September 1 – but won’t add the video since it doesn’t show much new.

September 4, 2023

I videoed again and asked Silvia whether what I’m seeing in the clip below is what they are referring to as an “ugly sit”:

Silvia explained in their response that a good sit up requires the lower back legs of the dog to face straight forward. Chai usually doesn’t do that but has them angled to both sides (that is indeed what Silvia calls an “ugly sit.” Here is Silvia’s latest feedback on my last video (which I didn’t share on the blog because I didn’t have time):

“Yes, this was definitely ugly sit all along. I think she has learned she can use the wall [we’ve used the wall as a back support] best if sitting that way, so I would rather move away from the wall – it’s better if she leans forward as sitting like this. You can get a straight sit by having her sit on a narrow block. You can also use very low front feet support at first – that will of course put lots of weight on front feet, but as I said, that’s still better as an ugly sit. To see it in real time, look at her feet and make sure her feet are parallel and directly under her.”

September 6, 2023

I’m not a fan of the word ugly, but I like the idea of using a sit platform the narrowness of which requires Chai to keep her lower legs parallel and facing straight ahead. I just have to find something I can use as a platform. I haven’t yet, so today’s video is simply one that doesn’t use the wall for support. In this video, I am paying attention to Chai’s back leg position when sitting and before the sit up. And I notice that she seems to generally sit with her legs angled sideways (which then just stay that way when she sits up). I’m curious what Silvia has to say!

Silvia’s feedback on my September 6 video:

You were seeing it correctly and on those two tries the sit was definitely good enough to ask for the sit up. Her form was much better here as in the last two videos, so I would continue like this until you get a narrow block for her to sit on. Her sit could indeed still be better, but somewhat east-west like here is still acceptable. When her weight is on her butt and her paws are not weighted at all, then it gets bad though – but you didn’t get any of these here, so that’s good!

Silvia also confirmed that the reason we want straight back legs is fitness-related: certain muscles will only be trained if the dog sits in this way (sitting up that way is harder than sitting with the legs to the side or on their butt. I appreciate the little gems of physiotherapy and fitness I’ve been picking up in Silvia’s class!)

September 8, 2023

My comment to go along with this video: “I can’t tell if Chai is sitting on her butt or not! Is she, and if so/if not: how can you tell?”

Silvia’s response:

Looks good! To see the difference, compare this to the videos where I said she is sitting on her butt and try to see the difference.

I need to make time to train my eyes!

I also realized that I can use one of my little crates as a sit platform for this exercise and shaped a sit on the crate in a separate session today:

Silvia’s feedback:

September 11, 2023: another sit-up on the floor session, no wall

My sit-on-the-crate behavior isn’t yet ready to be integrated into the sit up trick … too much hiking and fun with dog friends has been getting in the way! Instead, I took another stab at sitting up on the floor, no wall. I feel like Chai’s legs are less sideways than they used to be – but I’m not sure whether this is actually happening or just wishful thinking on my part! Question for Silvia along with the video below that I just submitted: Do you see us making progress with this trick or are we plateauing?

Notes for the next session:

+ Wait for Silvia’s feedback.
+ Independently of that, shape the sit on the crate even when I’m kneeling right in front of the crate! She can do it when I stand but hasn’t generalized it to me being on the floor.

September 12, 2023: more sit-ups on the floor

Silvia’s feedback on yesterday’s video:

“Looks good! Definitely making progress yes, so you can continue like this with the sit up. I would still do sit on a box as well and soon also some sit up to stand up, but with support under her front feet (like a box at first and a chair later on) of course.”

I’ll have to re-read Silvia’s lessons and/or re-watch the Silvia’s puppy diary video to see how they go from sit up to stand up. I thought the next step would be sitting up freely – without the plate as support. I’ll investigate!

In any case, as for today, I’m having a session like yesterday (on the floor) and will allow myself the luxury of not videoing (I am SO tired of editing more than I train!)

I have trained free duration stand ups, but I haven’t trained a sit pretty before (I just always thought standing on the back legs was cooler). It’s wild to realize that sit pretty is in fact more difficult – at least for Chai as a learner and for me as a trainer!

  1. This class just started again and you can still sign up for it. If you’re into tricks and/or have a puppy – check it out! I want to give a shout-out to Silvia for being such a kind human being and a generous trainer. The world needs more people like them! ↩︎