
I wanted to say as we are at the end of the class, how much I have learned and enjoyed this class. Chrissi – you have put together a terrific curriculum, which is so well thought out, and helpful for growing our skills. Your approach to coaching each team where they are at is also awesome. I loved how you would watch our videos, provide feedback and the next part we should be working on. Most importantly, you are so positive, supportive and constructive with your students. It creates such a positive learning environment for humans! I know how much work it takes to design a course and then teach students — thank you for all the effort and care you have put into your teaching!

Leslie & Henry (Dutch Sheepdog, FDSA)

My favorite reinforcement mentor! Chrissi Schranz is a brilliant trainer! He helped me harness the true ”power of Premack” (especially environmental opportunities) and how to apply it for clean training!

Trish & Zuzu and Freight train (Russell Terriers, FDSA)

I am happy to say that I just completed a five session training with Chrissi and my young dog Most. […] Chrissi’s calm, thorough approach was a tremendous help. I strongly recommend [Chrissi’s Dog Training].

David & Most (Doberman, private lessons)

[M]i experiencia con Chrissi […] ha sido excelente y enriquecedora. Chrissi tiene un espíritu lleno de luz que ayuda a que el ambiente tanto para mi mascota como para mí sea más seguro y da mucha confianza. Pasa la quiso desde el primer día y disfruta estar con el. Se divierte y ha mejorado su comportamiento con la guía de Chrissi. Estoy contenta de ver el progreso de Pasa. No dudo en recomendar a Chrissi porque además de tener una buena conexión con las mascotas, sus métodos no son basados en castigos sino en el entendimiento de lo que afecta el comportamiento de las mascotas y la forma correcta de controlar esas situaciones. Gracias Chrissi por tu gran apoyo y por contribuir a que seamos felices mi mascota y yo ❤.

Claudia & Pasa (mix, private lessons)

Thank you for a great workshop, Chrissi! Now I’m really motivated to do more with Lotta. I love seeing how much fun she has learning tricks!

Maria & Lotta (Goldendoodle, group workshop)

Our little Nala went on board training for a week with Chrissi and we are so happy with the results. She learned how to walk on a leash and also some proper manners like not eating the ornaments or books. We also learned how to help her behave around the house. She is a much happier pup and we are trully amazed! We fully recommend working with Chrissi.

Alessandra & Nala (Beagle, board & train)

Chrissi has been working with my 6 month old pug, Sadie. It has been a great experience. Every class Sadie learns something and so do I! The best part is that Sadie loves Chrissi and enjoys learning. Chrissi provides me with information on how I can continue to reinforce our lessons between classes. I would recommend Chrissi without reservation. He’s wonderful.

Rose & Sadie (pug, private lessons)

Yesterday I finished my 5 lesson package with Chrissi Schranz. Truly a wonderful dog trainer! He is passionate about his work so we had a lot of fun learning new techniques for healthy, happy dogs! He always came prepared with new information and tips so that I could learn together with my two Golden Retrievers. Two thumbs up for Chrissi!

Karen & Xela and Pistachio (Golden Retrievers, private lessons)

Chrissi’s board and train program was wonderful for my dog. I felt great knowing that my dog was not only recieving great care, but also learning and building on what we had been working on! Chrissi listened intently during our pre-boarding training session and it was clear he understood my goals. His house is dog heaven, lots of backyard play space and woods to take long walks in right next door. My dog was very happy! Highly recommend!

Ellie & Maruca (mix, board & train)

Thank you for helping me with our particular recall issue and really strengthening this behavior overall. Because of you and your direction, Savvy can now spend some time off leash with all of my dogs safely and will come when I call her!

Melissa & Savvy (Border Collie, FDSA)