Week 4 (April 15-21, 2024)

3 weeks, 1 day (April 15)

Field trips

We left bright and early for Parque España this morning to catch up on dog socialization!

Meeting new dogs

Green caught up on his snuffle deficit: last week, he got to sniff 6 different dogs while everyone else got 7. This morning, he got THREE! For everyone else, I’m counting two: one official helper and one unofficial one each.

Our official helper Pulque (named after a delicious fermented drink.)

For the first time, all puppies voluntarily left their carrier, partly to crawl on me and partly to explore a little, and peed outside! Look at Purple’s courage and the waggy tail as he observes the other dogs! I LOVE that puppies this age are physiologically unable to experience fear. It makes all the difference between needing to protect your dog and making sure you go at their pace (once you take a puppy home with you, this is going to be the case) and just letting them do their thing! Green, not on this video, ventured even further and I had to get him back to make sure he was within arm’s reach in case I needed to keep a rambunctious dog from getting close.

The video below is NOT a dog park in case you were wondering. This is just a Mexico City park on a weekday morning, where people take their dogs before work. There is a dog park too, but this isn’t it – this is the human part of the park. It’s a city of dogs!

The puppies didn’t go to sleep right away when we got home and they had eaten (first goat milk, then Game’s milk.) For the first time, they stayed up a little and played/Black explored the upside-down metal bowl I had put in the blanket fort. They went to sleep soon enough after, but this is an interesting change. I suspect it’s partly because today, we left and got back even earlier (it was significantly cooler than yesterday because of the hour, and overall, the day has started out a bit cooler so far) and partly because they’re another day older.

Human visitors

A few weeks from now, Black or Blue will be going home with Irving!

Tonight, Irving – who will get one of the girls – came by and everyone got held by a new human. Irving recently lost his heart dog. Whether it’s Black or Blue who’ll go to him – they will have a very active life running and biking, be a go-everywhere city dog just like Mina used to be, sleep in Irving’s bed, live an off-leash life, play lots and hardly be home alone. Mina was one very special dog. Remembering her still brings tears to Irving’s eyes. There aren’t enough tears in the world for her. A new puppy won’t replace her – no one ever will. But whoever follows in her pawprints will go to exactly the kind of home I want for them. Not only that – they will make one human VERY happy. That human feels like he was waiting for THEM. You know how your gut tells you something is right? This is one of these things for both of us. Irving was turned down before because he couldn’t afford the crazy price tag on a Belgian puppy. That other puppy missed out big time. It’s a sad world in which we sell living beings.

The senses

I removed the concrete rock from the blanket fort, but let in the glass surface (scale). I added the oven grid thing (whatever this is called) and an upside down metal bowl. Black has already taken an interest in the bowl, and several puppies have walked across the metal grid without caring. I’ll move the mirror to a different spot a little later today: mirrors will just keep showing up in unexpected places.

We heard traffic noises and dogs barking at the park, and we saw lots of different dogs running and people hanging out. People talked to me, too – something else I love for the puppies to experience while they are young. I know a few adult dogs who are fine as long as their humans don’t stop to have a conversation with someone. Hopefully, the rebels are going to learn to take this in stride!

In the evening, they heard Chai banging her wobbler against the tile walls of the bathroom. Red was curious and walked up to the door!

They’ve been excellent goat-milk eaters. They don’t finish the tray, but everyone eats a bit by now. Tomorrow morning, I’ll start adding a small amount of soaked puppy kibble. They will all keep having access to Game for as long as she and the puppies want; I just want to be able to soon feed them on adventures even when Game isn’t around, which is why I’d like them to also learn to eat independently.

We heared our neighbors’ excellent Cuban music floating in through the window, and the various sounds involved in cleaning and preparing barrels of mojito (they are vendedores ambulantes and sell mojitos in the street. Really good ones – I don’t usually like mojitos, but they’ve make mine light, cold and very minty on request.)

Green got angry at the barrel I keep ready to mop up today and then proceeded to make his way all through the mattress tunnel (it’s about two meter long and narrow – it just happens to be part of the environment because my mattress leans against the wall during the day.) Today’s trademark move on Green’s part is complaining while choosing to do brave things.

Handling and snoozing

Purple promotly fell asleep during her extra hangout session in my arms today. Check! Yesterday, he was the maverick … today, it’ll be someone else’s turn.

Everyone was partly sleepy and partly curious in Irving’s arms.

Red and Black were awake and especially chill during their nail clipping – they seemed completely relaxed. Left front paw clipping was planned for tomorrow, but I had downtime today and their front paws are getting spikey again, which is probably not comfortable for Game.

Getting more mobile

Green and Red tried running today for about half a meter each! It is SO cute. They have also ranged further from the blanket fort: Blue made friends with the vacuum and Red and Green went under the couch. No one has made it into the bathroom yet.

They have also learned to scratch themselves with their paws today! I haven’t seen this before – and today, all of them could do it!

3 weeks, 2 days (April 16)

Field trips

Since I got up a little later than expected, we went to a closer park than we had planned: an old favorite, Parque Las Américas in my favorite neighborhood, Narvarte. Everyone got to sniff a new dog. Black got barked at by Labi, but got a second dog to make up for it. Green and Red even got three dogs each!

We heard the music of an exercise class in the background and everyone got held by me for a few minutes.

By the time we got ready to leave, Green was moving out of the carrier and would have been ready to explore his environment – but we had to head back for a meeting.

The senses

I placed some fun new stuff I had around in the living room: a paper ball, a balance disk, two paw pads and four hard spikey little balls. In this picture, everyone is on siesta – we’ll see how they respond when they wake up.

Chai is pre-testing the enrichment items!

Blue and Red confidently walked over the balance disk with all four paws on it. No big deal! Green put one front paw on and then left. A little later he came back and stepped on it with all four paws!

Purple dove into the flat plate I put out today with a little water (shallow enough to not drown in, but I want water out there just in case; it’s SO warm!) and then tried licking twice.

They’ve all climbed into and out of the empty metal bowl I’ve sitting around by now, and most of them have ventured under the couch. Red walked into the bathroom for the first time and felt cool tiles under his paws!

After waking up to the new objects, Green touched the blue ball with his nose twice, making it roll! Red and Purple followed suit a few hours later, and even later so did Black! Funnily, all of them touched the blue ball (there are 4 different colors.) This isn’t goal-directed behavior yet – just coming across objects, bumping into them, sniffing them, trying to move on or through them. Over the days, it’ll become more and more goal-directed as not only their physical abilities, but also their sense of sight are getting better. I’ll leave the same set-up of fitness equipment out for at least one more day to give everyone time to come across the various objects/surfaces. The only thing I’m changing around for now is the location of the mirror.

A compilation of today’s social and object interactions! The upside down chair is curtesy of Chai: she likes to climb on the chair and from the chair on my desk when I leave the apartment and probably kicked it over in an attempt to do so when I headed downstairs for a minute.

In the video, you can also see that today, the puppies discovered the art of scratching themselves with their paws! No, they don’t have fleas – they’ve been Frontlined and re-Frontlined. Scratching just feels good – and in Green’s case, he may have have inherited Game’s always-itchy collar feelings.

… and here’s part 2 of today’s ultra-long video. This really is just for my records (and the future puppy homes/those addicted to watching 3.5 week old puppies be cute!)

Today is also the first day I added a little bit of squished up soaked kibble to the formula. After a few goat milk days, we’re back to formula, trying a different kind this time: this one is based on cow milk.

In terms of noise, we had me shaking open a big plastic trash bag and Chai banging around her wobbler and throwing the little balls (they are hard and loud when they land on the floor) all over the place. Also two video calls and TV show noises: we’re still watching The Blacklist.

Speaking of senses, I forgot to report in about the trembling I had seen Green do when outside the warm blanket fort. It has completely disappeared (it is extremely hot and he is older, too.) It’s hard to tell whether it’s getting older and being able to regulate his temperature or the overall temperature increase that took care of the trembling – but I suspect my suspicion of it being temperature related were correct.

It’s been in the 30s C (90s F). After finding out that evenings are still hot on Sunday’s subway adventure, we mostly keep our field trips to the early morning. I’ll reserve evenings for friends visiting or just chilling. We’ll go back to Parque España tomorrow (it’s the best one, socialization-wise) and if we get out early enough, I’ll also throw in a round of metro-bussing and/or coffe shop socializing.

Heading to the school next door to listen to kids schreming will have to wait until tomorrow as well – I wanted to go today, but had a video consult at the time the kids are playing sports in the court (prime screaming time.)

Husbandry and handling

Everyone got handled. Green and Blue started out awake. Green and Red chilled through their turn, trying to lick my fingers. Blue and Black fell asleep in the middle of their turns and Purple towards the end of his. It’s safe to say my handling protocol has become soothing to the rebels! Purple, last week’s most rebellious rebel, has been a chill pup today!

3 weeks, 3 days (April 17)

Field trips

Dogs at Parque España

We went to Parque España again because there was such a nice balance of different stimuli the other day. Today was less interesting though – we went even earlier, which probably was part of the reason. We did, however, hear and see water trucks watering the park, someone sweeping the leaves of the paths with a twig broom making scratchy noises, and saw someone sit perfectly still and meditate in a ray of sun a few meters from where we set up. Two dog walkers with about 10 dogs each showed up and let their dogs into the dog park nearby, so we also heared barking.

Everyone got to sniff a new dog:

Left: sniffing Rodolfo. Right: hanging out at Parque España in the morning sun.

Everyone got held and snoozed and/or looked around in my arms for a few minutes. Green got two turns!

Traffic noises and a bus ride

We went back home for a little over an hour, and then the heat was still bearable enough to briefly head out again and spend a few minutes on a bus (mostly being stuck in traffic.) I also held everyone while waiting for said bus, giving them all a few minutes of exposure to traffic noises, lots of honking and motorcycle engines roaring near a busy intersection around the corner.

Left: waiting for the bus and listening to/watching traffic. Right: on the bumpy bus!

As we were waiting for the bus, another stranger approached and asked me to regalar them a puppy. They were disappointed to hear they already had homes. Yet another person who’d have taken teeny tiny, way-too-young puppies home with them! People’s impulsiveness is fascinating.

On the walk home, we passed the construction site nearby and briefly stopped to listen to the asphalt-cutting machine. We couldn’t go very close due to hazard tape – but listening from a distance is a start!

The kids’ noises will have to wait another day (or more.) In any case, at the latest, we’ll hear kids at the playground next weekend.

People socializing

We had a tiny puppy party at BLOM. Thank you, Miguel and Ulises, for letting me use your space to socialize my puppies! We hung out from 7 to 8:30, past closing hour at 8, because everybody was loving on the puppies and having a good time talking. I’m counting three new people per puppy, but we had 6 people in total interact with them. They also wandered around BLOM café and Green, Black and most of all Purple (various times) also made their way onto the sidewalk.

It’s like one of these magical evenings where you bring your puppies and it is as if you set up a tent and invited everyone into the warm glow of your bonfire, and the ones who come are exactly the kind of people you want to spend that very evening with, and you talk about everything under the stars and there’s guitar music. (Not really; there was mache and sparkly water and dog and life talk – but that’s besides the point. It was good.) So good. On days like today, I feel lucky to be alive. As Shuli said the other day: pool balls kissing in the universe, and then going their separate ways again. In those 1.5 hours of connection, the magic happens, and then everyone continues their journey, smiling at that memory – no expectations, no strings, just soft puppies and humans being real for each other.

Increased mobility and exploratory behavior at home

Handling and husbandry

Blue struggled during handling today: everyone else had just gotten to the milk bar, and she would rather have joined than be handled. By the end, she calmed down – just in time for putting her down for milkbar countercoditioning! While Julie Daniels’ relax-to-be-put-down protocol may not be working for puppies this age, for now, what I would do anyways – only put relaxed puppies down whenever possible – does the trick!

I picked up Green when he took a break from drinking – but he decided he wasn’t done yet after the first bit of handling. We made it through the protocol, I waited for him to calm down, and then put him down at the milk bar again, making one Mr. Green very happy.

Purple got rudely woken up during his post-drink nap and complained through most of his handling today. He’s back in maverick mode!

Red and Black did not fully wake up for today’s round of handling. Good puppies!

I made everyone’s collars a little wider again today – after just having done so yesterday! And during the lips handling procedure, I saw that what had just shimmered through the gums and felt hard earlier this week has s turned into little teeth tips! They aren’t razor sharp yet – but they sure will be!

Thoughts on puppy testing …

I know with human children, parents pretend not to have favorites. (I don’t think that’s actually true, or not for everyone anyways. How could it be? But I digress.) With puppies, I absolutely get to have favorites. Currently, it’s Purple because he puts up such a good fight and is SO opinionated. I also have one puppy I think is the most handsome, and that’s Black. She is as dark as Green, but smaller and slimmer, and I love dogs with a light build.

Both Purple’s emerging personality and Black’s size are likely to change over the next months – they are puppies, after all. They may be different tomorrow! But today, Purple is the one I’d take home and Black is the most handsome.

As an aside, I remember reading that puppy aptitude testing was not a reliable predictor of adult personality. It is merely a snapshot of a moment in a puppy’s life and more like a horoscope which feels true because it leaves room for interpretation, and because we tend to see what we are told there is – a self-fulfilling prophesy.

I did a quick search to see if I could find the study I had read on puppy testing. I did’t find the exact one and don’t have time to keep digging, but I’ll link to two of the articles I came across just now: a study puplished in Applied Animal Welfare Science in 2016 that found that puppy tests have little (more than none, but little) predictive value for adult temperament and a meta-analysis in Applied Animal Behavior Science from back in 2005 that found that – at least back then – we didn’t know much about the reliability and validity of puppy temperament testing.

Performing the Volhard test, a test developed for guide dog puppy evaluations, on pets is en vogue, but I doubt it is an accurate tool of assessment for who a dog will grow up to be. It’s fun to perform or read your puppy’s evaluation, of course – but that’s pretty much the extent of it. I would pick a puppy based on it if I was given two or more tests and there was nothing else to base my decision on. Unless there was extreme behavior, I wouldn’t expect it to tell me more about the puppy’s future than a coin toss though. But yes, of course I’d pick the puppy who seemed most confident, food motivated and interested in toys. Even knowing it’s a snapshot – who wouldn’t? We need to base our decisions on something or we couldn’t make any.

Many of the check points future puppy homes are encouraged to look for in order to find “a good breeder” are based on just-so stories – as far as I can tell, ENS and Volhard testing are examples of this.

I suspect that the most reliable indicator of adult personality is the behavior of the parents’ and their adult offspring. So when looking at what puppy to get, it makes sense (I believe; this is a layperson’s opinion) to look at the parents. Are they the kinds of dogs you’d like to live with? If you like the parents, you may just as well pick your own puppy rather than have the breeder play matchmaker: pick the one who is prettiest or who approaches you first. Only extremes may already stand out in puppyhood, and in most litters, there is no extreme.

3 weeks, 4 days ( April 18, 2024)

Field trips

While the puppies were nursing in the morning, I re-Frontlined them. Since I’m only using a few drops to not put them off by the intense odor, I’m using it more often. No fleas for these puppies, thank you very much! I also treated the empty carrier with anti-flea and anti-lice spray for the first time; by the time they get in again, the smells will hopefully have evaporated.

We started the day with an early field trip to one of my other favorite parks (they’re all in Narvarte): Parque de las Arboledas. We found one of the few patches of grass left in the city (most of it has turned to dirt and dust), and the sleepy puppies got to feel grass under their feet for the first time:

We got there briefly after 7 and it was still quiet, plus we were tucked away behind a hedge. I hadn’t made plans to meet anyone but was going to use whatever surprise dogs we crossed paths with today. By now, the puppies are old enough for this kind of adventure.

Right after we got ready to leave, someone showed up with a dog. Once they were here, standing upright and cooing over the puppies, they caught the attention of other dog people and we soon got a little party started:

Five adult dogs participated altogether, but I’m counting 3 per puppy because not everyone interacted with everyone. The puppies chose voluntarily when and if to leave the carrier to meet the dogs.

Green and purple even made play moves at those new adults! They are absolutely adorable! Black had a lazy day today and mostly dozed through the interactions. I made sure she got to sniff from my arms, but she fell right back asleep. I’ll have her go first on our next outing tomorrow!

It is funny to see people attributing characteristics to the puppies based on what they see in a snapshot moment. For example, today, folks agreed that Black was timid – even though she was simply doing what all of them do during some outings: sleep or lazily open their eyes now and then to observe and then doze off again. Folks are quick to identify, “This is going to be the most active dog when they grow up!” or “This one is going to be the smartest!” based on the briefest impression. I believe the only thing that may be possible to tell right now is that Green is the biggest – but even that may change. The biggest puppy of the litter doesn’t necessarily grow up to be the biggest adult.

It was absolutely beautiful to see the little ones confidently appraoch people and dogs on a new surface (grass) once they were awake. It made my day – I can’t stop smiling watching puppies like this! They feel safe and ready to take on the world, no matter where I put their carrier down!

A note on “random dog” interactions and the onset of fear responses in puppies

If someone reading along is a puppy student of mine, you’ll know that I advise folks to be careful about what dogs to introduce their puppies to: don’t go to the dog park. In puppy class, make sure free play isn’t a free-for-all but that the puppies are matched up according to size/play style etc. Basically, if you’ve gotten your puppy after 8 weeks of age, I will help you curate the safest possible interactions for your puppy, making sure they don’t get scared by a bigger dog or have averse experiences such as being barked at. Today, one of mine got briefly barked into their face. The other week, one of them got (gently) play-nipped by a leashed friend. They all just continued developing their curiosity of dogs, no worse for wear.

So why am I treating these less-than-8-week-old-puppies SO differently than my slightly older student puppies? Because if you get a puppy from someone else (and don’t have the dam), you probably won’t get them before they are 8 weeks old. Even if you get them at 8 weeks, you will likely give them a day or two to get used to your house and any other household members before heading out to have them socialize. Then I’ll usually advise you to take that first week to get to know your puppy in different situations: what are they like? How do they respond to sounds, sights, different environments and social stimuli? Based on what you find out, we’ll make a socialization and environmental exposure plan that is tailored to your puppy’s needs. By the time you’re ready to implement it, they are likely older than 8 weeks; maybe already 9 weeks. In most breeds and mixes, the sensitive socialization window will has closed at this age. This fascinating study compared the onset of fear and avoidance behavior in German Shepherds, Yorkshire Terriers and Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. For Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, it was at 45.8 ± 2.74 days (that’s 6.5 weeks), in Yorkshire Terriers, it was 43.6 ± 2.48 days (6.2 weeks) and in German Shepherds 39.4 ± 1.60 days (5.6 weeks.) That is to say that even in the breed with the latest onset of a fear response, it happened WAY before these puppies would have gone to their new homes. It happened earliest in German Shepherds (who tend to grow up to be comparatively suspicious of strangers) and latest in Cavalier King Charles Spaniels (who tend to be the most social adults.) Mals, of course, are most similar to German Shepherds and probably have a similarly early onset of fear.

We can’t confuse the first sign of a fear response with the hight of the fear response – it grows slowly; the first time you see it is only the beginning. So the younger the puppy, the easier they will be to socialize, even after they are able to experience fear. In any case, by the time your dog is home with you, they are most certainly able to experience fear, and you as their new home will have to be more careful when socializing them than the human who had the dam and interacted with the puppies at a younger age. That is, in a nutshell, why I treat slightly older puppies very differently than puppies whose fear response hasn’t yet appeared.

Unless you KNOW that the breeder introduced your puppy to lots of social stimuli, I’d advise you against throwing a 9 week old puppy into the deep end with any random dog: if one of their earliest social interactions with their own species leaves a negative impression, they will be much less likely to enjoy the next one. At the same time, the longer you wait for your new puppy to meet dogs and people, the more cautious they will be because the further away that window of opportunity, of learning that “these creatures and their odd behaviors are all normal in my world,” disappears in the distance in the rearview mirror. That’s why I encourage new puppy homes to focus on socialization to humans and dogs over anything else, and prioritize whichever is more important (for most dogs, this is going to be humans) if you don’t have time or access to both.

My 3 weeks and 4 days old puppies, on the other hand, have no physiological fear response yet. Of course they would feel pain if they got bitten by someone, but it is relatively easy to screen for dogs who would do that kind of thing and not let them approach. Being barked at or pawed at, on the other hand; even having your tail stepped on or being pushed over by a curious nose or randomly picked up by one of the random dogs’ humans? It’s no big deal at this age, especially with these puppies who at this point have already met and had neutral or positive experiences with at least 23 non-household dogs and as many people.

Even with these puppies, we’ll have to be a little more careful and make sure THEY get agency in whether or not they want to approach a person or dog in a few weeks. In a few weeks, once they are able to experience fear, we will focus on agency and creating a safe space for them, just like I advise my puppy clients to do. The difference I am hoping for is that Game’s puppies will be more ready to leave their safe space in order to seek new experiences and need a little bit less protection because they already trust that the world, and everyone in it, is safe. If we manage to get to this point, not only will the puppies have an easier time being out in the world – so will their humans. Instead of making careful decisions of when it is okay to take a puppy to a particular place, they will be able to simply have fun with their dogs, and the puppies will take it in stride. That’s what I hope for!

Our second subway trip

After our park adventure, the puppies came on a bank errand and we took the subway again, listening to train noises and the hustle and bustle of busy street corners. It’s not fun to be in a hot subway car, but certainly useful.

At 8:30, it was already 29 degrees Celsius. We all were ready to melt by the time we got home briefly before 9. This is going to be our new “best before” time – there’s no point in staying out after nine, as no one, me included, feels like moving in the heat!

Speaking of heat and getting thirsty: when we got home this morning, Green saw Game lap water and followed suit! Go Mr. Green! I’m so looking forward to all of them being able to drink independently since this will make it a lot easier to take them on field trips and guard against overheating!

Husbandry and Handling

Everyone got the claws on their right front paws clipped, followed by the milkbar, and Red, Blue and Black also got their left back paw nails done because I wanted to share a video showing how good they are being:

Green’s claws grow more slowly than the others (as in, they grow at normal dog speed while everyone else seems to have inherited Game’s rapidly growing nails.) I forgot about this and cut into Green’s quick. He squeaked gently and pulled back his paw; then relaxed into my lap again for the remaining claws. Not a big reaction at all! Counterconditioning for the win! Mental note: make sure Green’s claws are long enough before clipping; otherwise just touch and scratch them with the clippers. The claws are still too tiny for the dog nail clippers, so we are sticking with the human ones.

Blue got the first handling turn tonight. She struggled a little and then started whining. I had picked her up just before everyone started eating, and she could see, hear and smell the others at the milk bar next to us. I was determined to wait her out: the puppies can be loud for their size, but not loud enough for me to worry about disturbing my neighbors. Blue kept at it though, so I eventually tried turning off the light. This helped her be quiet for a count of five – an opportunity I used to quickly put her down! She was too tired to head to the milk bar at this point and fell asleep. Suffice it to say, our timing wasn’t great tonight. We’ll live! Tonight, Blue taught me that I’ll have to time the handling protocol well to set 3.5 week old puppies up for success!

Mobility news

Green purposefully made the orange paw pad wobble today! He also tried interacting with the vacuum by yelling and pawing at it. The vacuum ignored him. Rude!

Mobility and the senses

We heard the camotes whistle today. Everyone slept through it!

At night, I accidentally dropped a shoe right next to the puppies – and they went towards rather than away from the sound!

Chai popped the first balloon I had blown up to make explode. The sound was surprisingly soft.

The paws touched grass for the first time; we walked on it and Green chewed on it. Green drank from the big water bowl and Blue stepped onto the water plate and drank from it! YAY!

As of today, everyone can run – and they are getting faster!

Night traffic watching

We went car noise listening and car lights watching at Avenida San Antonio at night. Purple was the only one who was fully awake when I took him out to hold him for a few minutes. Black was partially awake during her turn. Everyone else slept peacefully through their turns. Blue has clearly forgiven me after the handling faux pas; she was out in my arms.

On the way home from night traffic watching, we heard someone loudly close a garage door.

I won’t make “holding/sleeping in my/someone’s arms” a category anymore in the future. By now, it happens at least once a day every day anyways!

Alone time

It’s slowly getting time for the puppies to learn to be apart. If I find the time, I’ll start single crate training with the carrier today. This only matters for Red and Purple, one of whom may fly internationally. The others, since they will be staying in Mexico, don’t need crate training beyond being in the carrier with their siblings and eventually in the hard plastic car crate: it’s not common to crate dogs here, and if their owners want them to have that skill, they can take their time teaching it – unlike the puppies who may be flying.

Being without one’s littermates is still worthwhile, and tomorrow, I’ll try doing so for the first time: I want to do a happy vet visit across the street, bringing them in one by one.

Crate training: 2 minutes

I started with two minutes for Red and Purple each when everyone was asleep. Both boys continued snoozing in the carrier. Since two minutes is very little time and everyone continued being sleepy, I decided to work through all the puppies. As I’m building duration, I may not be able to do this – but for now, I can. Green was the only one who complained for the last 20 seconds or so. He woke up and didn’t fall back asleep when I picked him up to place him in the carrier. I let him out after his two minutes anyways; he wasn’t screaming, just complaining softly. Blue didn’t sleep either, but stayed quiet. Black slept just as well as Red and Purple had. Tomorrow, I’ll add a minute for Red and Purple, one of whom may need this skill in the future!

Thoughts on the “raising puppies is SO expensive that I need to charge thousands of dollars and I still don’t break even” argument

The argument that raising puppies is terribly expensive has been made ad nauseam, and it is used to justify charging – when we look at the US anyways – up to several thousand dollars for a puppy.

The first bunch of prices listed in a breeding group on Facebook I am lurking in, from a post from 2020 (prices may have changed since): US$2500 (well known popular breed), $300-$500 (little known working breed), starting out with US$3000 as a new breeder and will then raise to US$4000 (well known breed), $2500 for show/breeding and $2000 for working/pet with spay/neuter contract (breed not mentioned), $1500-2500 depending on stud fee and breeding costs (well known popular breed), $2500-3500 (well-known breed), $3500 (well-known, popular), $2000 (well-known), $650 (cross of two little known breeds), $1500 (well-known, popular), $2500 (well-known, popular), $1500 pet home on a spay/neuter contract and $2500 to co-own/show home with showing and health testing requirements (breed not mentioned), $2000 (well-known, popular), $1500-$2000 (well-known), $1200 (little known landrace).

All of the above are from the US and by people who would consider themselves ethical breeders (given the group I pulled the prices from.)

People tend to say they spend thousands of dollars on a litter, and if they are very lucky, they will break even. (They would probably not say they make a profit even if they did because it is looked down upon.)

I’ve always wondered how a littler could possibly be THAT expensive. I get that there is health testing and a stud fee, and especially the former is likely quite expensive in the US. But beyond that? If you have a litter of 6 puppies (sometimes you have 1, sometimes you have 12), you’d make $1215 (average of the above numbers) times 6, that is US$7290. 6 would probably be one of your smaller litters, and at least in parts, health testing is something you’d not repeat for every breeding. If you do not charge for your time, I have a hard time imagining that you’ll spend that much, especially if this breeding only absorbs a fraction of your health testing costs rather than all of it because you’ll breed the dam more than once.

I’ve logged what I’ve spent on the puppies so far because I was curious what I’d end up with and what the hidden costs were. I’m not calculating the time I spend with the puppies, the prices of taking a cab to a socialization outing, Game’s usual food or her health testing or any educational resources I would have consumed no matter whether I’d breed dogs or not. On the other hand, I have expenses most people will not have because I live in a studio apartment and have short-term rented a house with a yard for the puppies’ second month of life, and I’ll count this. (Luckily, my little mutual aid project is just starting and someone is pitching in on my rent.) I’ll share my list of expenses once the puppies have moved out and I’ve finished my not-a-spreadsheet.

One thing I wouldn’t have done if I had a house with a yard is the ultrasound: I needed to know if the mating had worked in order to know whether or not to reserve the house. If I had a yard anyways, I would have just waited to see if Game was pregnant. And if I had more space and my washing machine wasn’t in the middle of the blanket fort, there’s no way I would have used disposable pee pads or the tarp set-up I used.

What I can already tell is that watching and reading Avidog and Puppy Culture stuff and following breeders who apply these protocols on Facebook or Instagram caused me to spend a lot of unnecessary money on things I bought during the preparation time (post ultrasound, pre puppies): I don’t usually buy dog toys, for example (part of the reason is that they are ridiculously expensive and my dogs have just as much fun with recycling and other less insanely priced objects we turn into toys.) Except for training toys, which I have a bunch of, plush toys and similar things are special and we mostly get them as gifts. However, watching how new objects, often toys, were placed in whelping pens regularly had me pick up a whole bunch. And seeing how litterbox training was stressed, I got that set-up as well. Retrospectively, I wouldn’t have needed to buy any new toys because I have all kinds of household stuff I can use as enrichment items. And I’m not going to litterbox train the puppies because I don’t see the point: if I did that, I’d have to reduce their freedom to make sure leaving their sleeping spot to pee or poop would cause them to go in the designated toiletting area. But I like letting them have the run of the house, so at this age, they have more than enough space to go in all kinds of places that are not where they sleep and no reason to choose a litterbox. I’ve never had a puppy that came litterbox trained, and housetraining has been the least of my concerns with the puppies in my past.

I have limited time, and I want to spend all of it on socialization and opportunities to explore the world as well as the apartment. The fact that breeders have whelping pens the size of which they expand ever-so gradually has me realizing that my studio apartment actually gives the puppies more space than they’d have in most self-identified ethical breeders’ homes. I like my approach better because just like “in the wild” (in the world of free-roaming dogs), there is no babygate keeping the puppies from exploring their environment once they are ready. If I did this again, I wouldn’t get a litterbox or extra toys.

In any case, since I already got the litterbox and replacement fake grass, I’ll use the fake grass as a new surface tomorrow, and I may use the litterbox tray to contain other substrates that may be fun for the puppies – sand, leaves, water etc. And then I’ll make it part of my fledgling mutual aid project. It won’t go to waste or sit in a corner collecting dust, so it’s all good.

I’m finding that from where I’m standing, like ENS, items like enrichment toys and litterboxes look a lot like an artificial replacement of something that is just a natural part of a dog’s life, making it an unnecessarily costly re-invention of the wheel. If I wanted to be cynical, I’d say these items’ main purpose is for breeders to take pictures for their social media accounts and websites: it’s social signalling; you’re showing off that you’re an “ethical breeder.” Yes, I’ll sure as hell post these pictures as well since I already unnecessarily bought the things and of course the pictures will be cute and we’ll have fun with the toys. But is it money well spent? In my opinion, no. Not when that money could go to someone who actually needs it instead.

The fitness equipment you’ve seen at my place this week would be in the same category, but I already had it for a tricks class I took with Chai – so it wasn’t a puppy expense; I’m just repurposing it.

3 weeks, 5 days (April 19)

Field trips

Parque de las Arboledas

We got to Parque de las Arboledas minutes after 7AM and were back home minutes after 8 – this was perfect. By 9, it was waaaay too hot outside. I’ll have to make sure to head to bed early so I can consistently get up when it’s still a reasonable temperature. I would have loved to add another subway ride to today’s adventure, but the heat wasn’t worth it. Since I’ve already hit my dog and people goals for the week, I may do a subway trip tomorrow early in the morning instead – and still be back home by 8.

We met 4 puppy-loving strangers and 4 dogs total. Every puppy got held by two of them and sniffed two of the dogs.

Top: Green and Almendra. Bottom: Red and Blue with puppy Zula.

Everyone explored a little. Like yesterday, Black showed the least exploratory behavior and did a lot of watching from inside the carrier.

Happy vet visit

The vet across the street agreed to give everyone the gentlest of exams so they could develop happy vet feelings. I used the opportunity to take everyone in the carrier by themselves, one after the other.

Their little exams were:

  1. Get placed on the metal exam table.
  2. Have their lymphnodes felt.
  3. Have their lips lifted and teeth looked at.
  4. Being picked up by the vet and turned so they faced the respective other direction.
  5. Have their hearts listened to with a stethoscope (placed on their chest and both sides.)
  6. Have their paws touched and examined.
  7. Get snuggles and gentle words from the vet.
  8. Be allowed to walk on the table a bit.
  9. Back into the carrier.

Top left: Green’s dental check. Top right: Purple and the stethoscope. Bottom: Red’s paw exam.

Green was sleepy and confident and chewed on the vet’s hands and took a few steps on the cool metal exam table. He started complaining once we were back in my building (maybe asking to be let out of the carrier.)

Blue first sat still on the exam table, but then turned out to be wide awake. She struggled a bit against her back paw exam and confidently walked on the table and pawed at the vet.

Purple complained while leaving our building and once we were back in our apartment; otherwise, he was comfortable and confident about his exam and also walked on the table.

Black only complained when placed on the table and when we were back in my apartment. She was a little stiff during her exam.

Red complained when I put down the carrier at the portón to my building and took too long to disentangle my key chain. He continued complaining as we crossed the street, and started up again when we were back home. He was wide awake and as confident as Green and Blue during the exam, walked on the table and tried eating the vet’s hands.

I’m REALLY happy how they did, especially given the metal surface of the table: I don’t know any adult dogs who like being on that kind of surface. It’s cold, slippery and weird. They all did really well and tolerated the vet’s handling like champs. Even Black, the only one who got stiff, did significantly better than I’d expect any puppy to do if they weren’t used to handling by more than one person. And they dared to walk on that table! Go ¡rebeldes!

I also handled everyone through my protocol today – except for Blue who already got a turn yesterday when none of the others did. Black struggled and complained through her turn. She was wide awake while the others were sleepy. I’ll give Purple, who has an extra turn on the schedule, another round of handling over the weekend. For the others, I’ll leave it at 5 rather than 7 times this week. I’m exhausted! Next week, I’ll go for at least 5 times each rather than aiming for 7. I’ll add desensitizing to a needle-like object in preparation for the pups’ first vaccine.

Mobility and the senses

We heard the propane tank vendors yelling “Gaaaaaaaas” in our street in the morning and dogs barking at the park.

I popped a balloon loudly and nobody flinched! They just perked up curiously. Purple, the only one who had been asleep, woke up and was back asleep 30 seconds later. Apparently, I’m a better balloon-exploder than Chai. I’ll do one every day until I run out of balloons. Then, I’ll try and get cohetes (firecrackers.)

It started thundering in the late afternoon and the puppies played through it!

I crackled bubble-wrap plastic and then popped some of the bubbles. Everyone looked curious. I’ll do another round next week.

I put new objects onto the living room floor: the wobbly lid of a pot, the replacement sheet of fake grass from the puppy toilet and a roll of chicken wire and the empty glass of Nescafé when I finished it (need to get more coffee!) The pot lid has been stepped on by Red, Black, Purple and Green and the chicken wire roll has been rolled by Green and investigated by Purple and Blue. Black spent the evening tearing pieces of the thin plastic wrap off the chicken wire roll.

Nobody has shown any interest in the fake grass.

Red climbed our treadmill today! Someone – if I remember correctly, it was also Red! – tried climbing into the fridge when I opened it today. Purple explored the bathroom.

During dinner, Red startled a little when Blue made sounds by stepping on the pot lid. Speaking of dinner: Black and Blue ate a little of soaked puppy kibble in addition to the formula tonight! Red has also startled twice with a little scream when I touched him unexpectedly while sleeping. He has always bounced back right away so far. I haven’t seen anyone else startle in the context of touch.

Crate training: 3 minutes

I increased the duration by 1 minute, so the puppies stayed by themselves in the carrier sitting among everyone else in the living room for 3 minutes today. I started with the two boys who might be flying internationally: Red and Purple. I picked both of them up while they were sleeping. They woke up in my arms and went right back to sleep in the carrier and slept peacefully until I took them out again after their 3 minutes. I then did Green too. He woke up when I lifted him up and didn’t fall asleep in the carrier. He sat and looked for 2 minutes and complained for the last minute, starting softly and then settling in at a medium-volume (if I imagine the puppies to have 3 levels of volume, with 1 being soft and 3 being loud, he was at a 1 for 30 seconds and then at a 2 for another 30 seconds before I let him out.)

The girls got a bonus crate-alone round as well. Blue behaved just like Red and Purple. Black started complaining at volume 1 after 15 seconds and at a 2 after a minute. She then went back between 1 and 3 for the rest of her time. Funnily, as soon as I took her out, she went back into the carrier and laid down for 10 seconds – with the door open – before coming out again to interact with Chai. Apparently, we like open doors. I get it, Black!

Thoughts on “pass the puppy”

“Pass the puppy” is a well intentioned exercise some puppy classes used to do (or still do) that can backfire: humans are told to stand or sit in a circle and hand every puppy around so they get held and touched by everyone. This isn’t something I’d participate in and something I advise clients with puppies against. A puppy who’s over 8 weeks old (and they all are by the time they get into puppy classes) will generally not feel comfortable being handled by one stranger after the other, having no say in it, unless they have a HUGE backlog of positive socialization experiences or are exceptionally social.

At my puppies’ age, however, having lots of folks hold and handle them is adventageous: it builds this backlog of positive socialization experiences they will be able to draw from in the future (I hope.) As long as we are sure the fear response hasn’t set in yet, passing the puppy is a great idea. The moment it sets in, it’ll be a bad idea. (Once again: I’m a layperson and this is an opinion. This hasn’t been sufficiently studied for us to actually know what best practice looks like.)

Favorites …

Today, by the way, my favorites are Red and Green. I’d have a hard time deciding between the two of them if I had to pick. This just goes to show how quickly favorites change – the puppies are different every day!

3 weeks, 6 days (April 20)

Mobility and the senses

Red walked over the fake grass this morning, unimpressed: it just happened to be in his way. He also pulled on the sheet I use to cover my couch.

I placed the fake grass in the threshold to the blanket fort where Game was when we came back from our morning adventure. Black and Red quickly walked across and found her. Everyone else made it up to the fake grass eventually and got distracted by it (chewing on it or walking another direction.) I placed them on Game’s side eventually.

Before crossing the threshold, I placed a low plate of water in front of everyone. Green and Blue lapped a little!

Interestingly, the fake grass on the threshold kept everyone in the blanket fort a little longer than usual! Red was the first one to cross it after Game had put herself on the living room side, Black followed suit, but then went back on the fake grass to pull on it, and eventually back into the blanket fort rather than out. Blue stepped and walked on it with interest, but went back into the blanket fort once he was done rather than crossing it. In fact, this threshold may be a great place for new objects!

Red touched the treadmill belt when Chai was on it the other day, and Blue did today. They both marvelled at it; no startling. Blue climbed all over the (turned off) treadmill tonight.

Black lifted her head when I loudly shook open a new trash bag. Everyone else kept sleeping.

We heard thunder again, and the only one who got up when I exploded a balloon was Game. In the afternoon, I loudly hammered a nail into the wooden armario in my apartment. Everyone lifted their heads to observe and then put them back down again to keep resting. Good puppies! At night, we heard sirens in the distance. Nobody was impressed.

Everyone’s sociability has steadily increased over the course of the last few days. The puppies play more with each other and with Chai. Interestingly, they seem more interested in playing with Chai (she has fur and a tail one can pull on!) than Game. They’ve started growling when wrestling with each other! Play-growly puppies are VERY cute!

Today, I started dismanteling the blanket fort: since the puppies are spending almost all day out in the living room, this is where the foam tiles are of more use now! I’ll probably finish dismanteling tomorrow.

The puppies are fascinated by Chai’s swooshy tail while she is looking out the window.

A compilation of today’s social fun, object interactions and mobility challenges (the show running in the background is The Blacklist):

Field trips

Another subway ride

We went on another subway ride in the morning and heard the rattling of old escalators we rode (puppies in the carrier), the whistle of the train-coming-in people, the train coming in and leaving the station (and felt the air that gets pushed through the station by an incoming train.) We were up close to LOTS of people squeezed on a crowded waggon and felt the train floor under the carrier as well as the escalator stairs. Everyone got held for about a minute in the subway station (a not particularly busy one.) Black wanted to go back into the carrier; everyone else was just sleepy.

We also heard the noises of folks announcing Agua Ciel for sale in the Tacubaya station and got carried through the first posts that were opening at the Tacubaya market, smelling the smells of the food stands and the first open hole-in-the-wall restaurants on the other side of the market stands. We heard a bus honking and the beeping of a car that was annoyed because the seat belt didn’t work.

Blue and Black got held outside for a minute each while waiting for a cab.

Once again, we made it back home before 9. Everyone was thirsty and hot. The puppies are outgrowing the carrier as a good container for all of them!

Today, again, nobody peed in the carrier, but everyone did as soon as they got out at home. I love how they are making sure not to pee where they sleep at this early age! It makes me wonder whether Chai never learned this in the first place, or did learn it and later un-learned it. If it is true that she was born on a rancho, she’d have had the space to learn it. In that case, she probably un-learned it at her first human’s house, where she was in a tiny crate when I picked her up. OR she un-learned it in a pet store: the person I got her from said they had acquired her to be their personal dog, but shared that professionally, they were a puppy provider for pet stores. In case Chai had been one of these puppies and aged out before anyone bought her, she’d have learned to pee and poop where she sleeps/sits at a pet store, in between where she was born and the pet-provider’s house. I’ve always wondered what happens to puppies who grow too big for the store and haven’t been sold. Maybe that’s what happens: they go back to whoever provided them in the first place. If that was the case though, I don’t see why they didn’t tell me the truth, so … who knows. I don’t think getting a puppy from a pet store or pet market is stigmatized in Mexico, so there wouldn’t be a reason to withhold it.

Night life at the park

We went to Fresa Parque in the evening so the puppies could see and hear people and dogs in the half-darkness, which is something adult dogs sometimes struggle with: what seems normal during the day becomes uncanny at night. Black was the most exploratory at the park tonight and walked out of the carrier and along both of its sides to investigate. Everyone else came out, chewed on my shoes and fell asleep. There wasn’t a lot of people because it had been drizzling, but there was music and a stage, a few dogs, a few people passing and a few people dancing and sitting at the theater, and Chai was there as well. There had been some event today that apparently fed people large meals from styrofoam containers – so large that hardly anyone finished all of it. Chai found the corner the containers had been dumped and ate everything while I focused on the puppies. She was a very lucky girl; I don’t think she’s ever had THIS much human food all at once. I don’t know how much the puppies benefitted from mostly sleeping, but it certainly didn’t hurt. The best part: for once, due to the little bit of rain we got, it was reasonably cool!

Sleepy rebels at the park. It was darker than my camera makes it look.

Once we were back home, everyone got their evening snack – the last bit of formula with, by now, a fair amount of soaked, squished kibble. For the first time, two puppies came running when I did my pup-pup-pup food call: Red was there first because he was only a meter away, but Black came running from out of sight!

Crate training: 4 minutes

Red did today’s 4 minutes like a champ, just sleeping through his turn. Purple cried at noise level 1 on and off after 30 seconds. For the last minute and a half, he alternated between levels 1 and 2. I let him out after his 4 minutes.

For now, I’ll just observe what happens when I slowly increase the duration to 5 minutes and then let everyone out, independent of their behavior. I won’t add to the 5 minutes until they are quiet at that duration, but up until 5, I’ll add a minute a day independently of their behaviors. They’re not uncomfortable in the carrier or unsafe – Game, Chai, I and the other puppies are right next to them. So for now, we’ll just get used to our 5 minutes. Is it possible that they learn they need to cry for 5 minutes in order to get the carrier to open? Of course. Or they may not. We’ll find out. I won’t let them “cry it out” until they stop due to exhaustion, but I won’t let them out earlier than planned either. I’m curious if they develop an operant response at this age (i.e. if they learn to cry in order to be let out) or if they get used to a few minutes by themselves in the carrier.

Green woke up when I put him in the crate. After 2 minutes 15 seconds, he started whimpering at level 0.5. Around about 2:45, he increased to a level 1 and then proceeded to going back and forth between quiet, 0.5 and 1 until I let him out after 4 minutes.

Black was sound asleep in the mattress tunnel when it was her turn. She woke up when I slid her out and picked her up to place her in the carrier, but fell right back asleep. She slept through her 4 minutes and continued sleeping in the carrier when I opened it for her.

Blue woke up when I picked her up and promptly fell back asleep in the carrier. Like Black, she slept through her turn and continued sleeping when I opened it to let her out after 4 minutes.

So far, I suspect the variation in the puppies whining or sleeping in the carrier is pretty much exclusively due to how tired they are when I put them in. I try to choose good (lazy) moments for everyone but don’t always succeed.

As for the ones who have vocalized in the closed carrier: with an older puppy, juvenile or adult dog, I would fully expect an operant response to develop if I opened the carrier while the puppy was crying. I would build duration starting with an open crate and in much smaller steps (unless I wanted to let them cry it out) – it would have to be one of the two.

With puppies as young as the rebels, I have no experience in terms of short-term crating, so I’ll just find out! In the meantime, being away from the others but right next to all of us in their familiar environment, able to see and smell us, is, in my mind, a perfectly acceptable way to experience a little frustration.

4 weeks (April 21)

Field trips

Playground, kids and friends

We went to hang out at Parque Hundido’s playground this morning. Until they are too bitey to be let loose on innocent kids, I want the rebels to interact, hear and see little humans play once a week. We got there early – at 9:30, there was only a single kid. By 10, the playground had filled and I managed to give every puppy a brief interaction – either being held or being stroked and cooed over while I held them, depending on the age of our helper. Once again, we also ran into an adult who asked to impulse-buy a Malinois.

Today, the puppies ventured further from their carrier than ever before as soon as I opened it. Black showed as much curiosity and exploratory behavior as the others. She tired a few minutes earlier than they and went back in the carrier to sleep, but like yesterday, she has caught up with the others in terms of showing environmental curiosity! She also got an extra round of being held outside near the street for 3 minutes before we headed home.

I met up with Theo and Sonar and the puppies approached them both, and they all got held by someone new. Here’s a picture, snapped in a moment no kids were (recognizably) in the frame to violate no one’s privacy:

Today was also the first day I brought a meal to go on our outing. They all ate like the little superstars they are! It got them energy and hydration for more exploration and interaction. We stayed out for a little under two hours and, of course, had a “real” meal à la Game as soon as we got home.

Reflections on time

I’m getting exhausted – our program over these last few weeks has been intense! I’m having a great time, but I’d definitely take 8 weeks off if I did this again. Studenting, meeting the needs of my adult dogs as well as puppy cleaning, planning and implementing is a lot to really relax into the experience and enjoy every moment without stress creeping in. I’d love to have at least one BLOM evening every week until the puppies go home, but this is one thing I’m going to ditch from my plans. Starting Tuesday, we’ll be out of the city and I suspect I’ll not want to drive back and forth this often. But maybe we’ll make one more time happen! We’ll see.

The senses

Puppy recall progress (food call)

I’ve been calling, putting the cookie sheet down and then the food on the cookie sheet since before they could hear to teach myself to get the timing (order of events) on autopilot. Today was the fastest Blue and Black have approached so far! When I post another update in a week or so, I expect them all to come running as soon as they hear, “Pup-pup-pup-pup!” The banging in the background of the video below is Chai playing with the Wobbler.

We heard sirens again tonight, and everyone slept through them.

I bumped into Blue and she was unfazed.

And perhaps most excitedly (if you share my sense of humor), I got what I had planned to be a dinosaur balloon, but ended up going with a duck because its eyes are more prominent. I’ll have it show up in different unexpected locations starting tomorrow.

Speaking of balloons: I recorded our daily balloon explosion. It’s louder in real life; the camera mic filters the noise level down. A tiny startle response and everyone kept playing – perfect. I imagine there can’t be a better way to make positive associations with startling stimuli than to play while and after they are happening!

We’re about to be ready for cohetes!

Play behavior

Every day, someone else is enamored with Chai and uses every opportunity to play with her. We’ve started with Blue, then it was Green’s turn and today it’s Purple!

Crate training: 5 minutes


woke up when I picked him up and fell right back asleep in the carrier; slept through his 5 minutes until I picked him up and lifted him out again.


whined at level 2 between 3.5 and 4 minutes, and once at level 0.5 and then went back to sleep until I lifted him out after 5 minutes. I’m not sure, but I believe he also slept the first 3.5 minutes.


Blue had just been woken by Red when I picked her up. She fell asleep in the carrier almost immediately and slept through her entire 5 minutes. Good puppy!


Black woke up when I picked her up, moved around in the carrier to make herself comfortable and then slept through her full 5 minutes like the super puppy she is.


Green got woken up by me and fell right back asleep in the carrier until I took him out again.

This was the longest duration (5 minutes) and the best session so far: only a tiny little bit of whining from a single puppy (Red!) I suspect this is because we had a mentally tiring morning sociallizing, and I picked a good time to practice. In any case – YAY for carrier training! I’ll maintain the 5-minute duration for Blue, Black and Green and keep increasing the time for Purple and Red (once Red masters his 5 minutes.)

Cuteness just because.

Nothing beats a sleepy puppy!

Week 4 tracker

And last but not least, my nerdy coloring addiction I want to be able to look back on when looking at my blog in the future (I wish I had light green instead of brown!)

Week 3 (April 8-14, 2024)

2 weeks, 1 day (April 8)

I woke up with Red snuggled up against me on my mattress. He must have climbed it during the night! Snuggly morning puppies in bed are a lovely surprise! I’m soaking up the snuggly while it lasts before they turn into little land sharks! (The reason they can end up in my bed is that I remove the barrier and push the bed up to the blanket fort entry at night. My bed is a mattress. Mattresses are climbable for at least one 2 week old Malinois!)

Social life

We started the day being snuffled by Chow Otto. Red was the first one and he got up close interest from Otto. Otto was bored after Red, so Blue, Purple and Black only got a more distance whiff of him and vice versa. Mix Chelsey took over after Otto and gave Green an up-close snuffle.

Left: car ride to our favorite park – and the last time in the wooden crate the puppies are outgrowing! Right: green is about to meet Chelsey.

If a helper dog only shows interest in the first puppy, I’ll make a note and pick someone else first the next time. Tomorrow, Black will go first. Who goes first matters because they’ll get the most attention; the order of the others is less important.

Human behavior and puppy dog eyes

Now that their eyes are open wide enough that observers can easily see a slit, the puppies have officially entered “cuteness” and “looks like a dog” mode. Today was the first time a random person in the street asked me to sell them one. They sounded like they would have impulse-bought this 3 weeks old puppy right then and there and looked quite disappointed when I said no, these puppies are too young – I am out here on an early-socialization mission. Funny what a difference tiny shiny eye slits make! I wonder if there will be more random folks like this person going forwards.

The senses

This morning, Purple encountered the cookie sheet with formula on it and started exploring it by the time Game had almost finished her post-breakfast licky snack. Everyone else slept through it. Green purposefully stumbled up to Game’s lunch cookie sheet and licked a little until Game had finished it off.

For dinner, Green walked over the cookie sheet and complained loudly and very vehemently about his wet paws. Out-ra-geous! Who dared put that slippery wet, nasty stuff in HIS blanket fort?! We could say that Green has mastered his first two new-surface challenges: water (well it wasn’t exactly water, but close enough) and metal! He didn’t lick formula today. Black licked drops that had spilled on Purple and then licked the corner of the cookie sheet after Game had finished. Everyone else was asleep when I put down the tray.

I stuck my finger into everyone’s mouth to give them the first of a 3-day round of 50mg/kg fenbendazole – a new flavor as well as a new handling experience. I treated them while they were sleeping and they only woke up halfway. I had suspected the dewormer would taste disgusting, but I tried a tiny little bit – it’s not approved for use in humans, but I figure a tiny amount of most things won’t kill me – and it’s actually flavorless. Since it doesn’t taste like anything to me – I just felt the texture – and dogs have less taste buds than humans, it is probably flavorless to them as well. Human fingers in little mouths are definitely a new tactile experience though.

Now that their eyes are really starting to open, the puppies are clearly showing more interest in the world! I have no idea how much they can actually see – if you’ve got a link to a study about the developmental stages of vision in puppies, I’d love a link! – but I’m guessing that at the very least, they can discern light and shadows and notice motion. They all tumbled over to the low barrier (which has replaced the tall barrier; I’ve taken out the tall one and moved the low one to where the tall one used to be) to look into the living room and sniff Chai through the barrier during the day. There was more walking in the blanket fort and Red and Purple nibbled on their siblings.

I might just take out the barrier altogether tomorrow. I don’t want Chai to go into the blanket fort, but I trust she will respect an invisible barrier by now. I’m curious to see if the puppies will move out of the fort if it’s easy to do so, how far they will go and whether they’ll find their way back without help!

Husbandry and handling

Everybody got the nails on their left front paw clipped with human clippers. They all did better than EVER before. No complaints AT ALL! I’m impressed. I didn’t manage to time the nail clipping right before a milk bar moment, but in any case – VERY happy with how chill they all were today! They definitely prefer clippers over the Dremel. I’m skipping the handling protocol today because they got clippered and dewormed.

I haven’t managed to have anyone sleep on my lap today. Every time I tried, it happened to be open milk bar time and the sleepy puppy I picked up woke up and proceeded to want to head to the bar (and I let them.) It’ll have to be later tonight or we’ll skip today.


Chai and I went shopping today and got phone number tags for everyone. They’ll soon be ready to come adventuring, and when they are, I want strangers to be able to get them back to me in case they get lost.

I also got that carrier I’ve been talking about. Starting tomorrow, we’ll be walking rather than driving to the park! I won’t use the wooden crate with the towel anymore – it’s starting to come apart under the weight of the puppies, AND they are able to escape. I got an airline approved bag that should be big enough for an 8 week old puppy to fly, so in case one of the rebels goes abroad and I accompany them or they get picked up, they’ll have a familiar travel bag.1 For now, all five of them will fit. It’ll be cozy for five Mal puppies, but they’ll fit for the next few days!

2 weeks, 2 days (April 9)

This morning, Purple walked through the wet cookie sheet, but didn’t lick. He didn’t complain either though! 2-surface challenge – check for Purple: metal and “water”! Green found it when Game had already cleared it off and licked – there was probably still some flavor left on it. He then quickly proceeded to fall asleep with his face and front paws on the cookie sheet. Black came over to check it out too before I removed it.

Field trips

We were out for almost an hour – longer than I had planned – at the park with the puppies in their carrier where I stepped by the outdoors gym and on an errand to a papelería. I met an acquaintance at the park and their dog helped with today’s snuffles and then they also held Blue for a bit. Blue and Purple both got their sleep-on-my-lap experience at the park today. Everyone got snuffled up close, but I’ll start with Black again next time – she went first, but got the least amount of snuffling.

Left: Ready to go adventuring! Right: Piña and Vaquita – socializing at Fresa Parque.

None of the puppies peed or pooped in the carrier – but they all went pretty much immediately when we got home. I’m impressed. Is this a coincidence or are 16 day old puppies already able to control their bowel movements such as to not go where they sleep?

Newness at home

I removed the low barrier, and everyone ventured out into the living room. Chai snuffled them all several times, and they explored, found Game out in the living room and nursed there, slept there, walked on the slippery floor as well as the puzzle mats in the living room, some climbed over vacuum tube and some stepped on the metal barrier I had placed on the floor. Red was the most exploratory and ventured the futhest, almost all the way to the couch. I’m proud of how well Chai did with the puppies and how she’s respecting the now invisible barrier to the blanket fort!


Pabla and JJ came over at night, and everyone got petted and got to sleep in both their arms for a while.

Getting snuggles from JJ and Pabla!

The senses

Green thoroughly investigated the cookie sheet after Game had almost finished her lunch snack. He walked over it a few times, but didn’t lick. Purple put a paw on it and then off again and fell back asleep.

Blue stepped on the cookie sheet for dinner while Game was finishing up and proceeded to be vocally outraged because she could smell milk but didn’t know how to consume it. She hasn’t yet figured out that her mouth works on the cookie sheet as well. After Game had polished the cookie sheet, everyone else woke up and proceeded to walk across it. Not everyone has licked food, but by now, everyone has mastered the metal surface challenge – some of them even multiple times and on multiple days!

2 weeks, 3 days (April 10)

Becoming social animals

Blue licked Green’s face today and was curious about Chai, approaching her twice – once in the morning and then again in the afternoon. The video is from this morning:

Blue also tried playing (at least it looked like playing; it’s hard to believe; they are still so tiny!) with Black: Blue put her front paws and mouth on Black, and Black reciprocated! That entire interaction lasted maybe 15 seconds before both fell over and forgot what they were doing – but it looked very much like the beginning of play!

While the Rebeldes are becoming more socially interactive, I needed a break: the puppies had two human visitors and met dogs yesterday, and I took today off.

Tomorrow, Alan is coming over – unfortunately without Kiba since she picked up a cough – and I may take the puppies to a no-kennel-cough park again. I’m lucky to know folks in all the parks in my area, so if there’s a brote of something, I’ll hear about it. Later this week, we’ll meet two friends again. The rhythm of socializing every second day feels easier to me than every day. Rather than one dog and one human a day, I’ll try and do two of each every second day – whenever it works out that way anyways.

Once we are out of the city next week or the week after, I’ll probably pick up the pace even more: I’ll come into the city two or three times a week and do a local social outing in town once or twice. This means that our city outings will be big ones: I’ll set up in a different park each time and stay for a while. Once the puppies can eat independently, this is going to be easy and fun. I might do a brief test run at Chapu or Ciudad Universitaria this weekend.

Exploratory behavior

Yesterday, Red was the most exploratory, venturing away from Game and checking out other parts of the living room. Today, it’s Green’s turn to be brave while Red is having a sleepy day!

Handling and husbandry

As of today, I’ve added a brush to the handling protocol. We now do: stroke – stroke – stroke, collar off, brush, paws, tail, ears, lips, collar on, stroke – stroke – stroke.

The puppy also got their third and (for now) last dose of Panacur delivered into their mouths while they were sleeping and the nails of their right front paw Dremeled. Now that I’ve Dremeled an entire loop around the dogs (all 4 paws), I’ll go back to only human clippers, which they all seem to prefer. That said, today was the best Dremeling session yet! I’m fascinated how fast counterconditioning (Dremel followed by milk bar) is working on puppies this young! Green and Purple struggled, but significantly less than in any of our previous session. Black only moved his paw a little bit. Blue and Red were second best – moving their paws a little more than Black, but less than Green and Purple. This counterconditioning speed is truly impressive – there’s no way it would be this fast in an adult dog.

What hasn’t been going as planned is Julie’s “relax to be let down” protocol. I played with it a little yesterday and today, and it became clear that puppies a little over two weeks old are either relaxed – or they are not. When they are not, they aren’t yet able to control their impulses and relax in order to archieve an outcome. I didn’t wait them out very long before ending the experiment. It feels like this is currently out of reach for them. I’ll make another attempt in a week or so!

Thoughts on Early Neurological Stimulation …

If I had been doing ENS, following the protocols floating around the Internet, I’d be stopping around now (at 3 weeks of age.) I was thinking about this today. I mentioned in one of Games post-ultrasound posts that I won’t be doing ENS on the puppies because it is not recommended for puppies who may have been stressed in utero, and I believe Mexico City to be an inherently stressful environment even for dogs like Game who do well in it. I made a mistake in this earlier post: it’s not recommended for young puppies who themselves are stressed (for example by cropping or docking.) In any case, the same conclusion holds: no ENS for my puppies, who I’ve been stressing via my early socialization program.

ENS is a strange idea, in a way. It has been popularized among dog breeders when we heard about the “Biosensor” program, a study or series of studies conducted on working dogs by the US military in the seventies. The US military did not publish their results, so the ENS program used by breeders today is half made up and half based on data derived from studies in other species (mostly rodents.) This article outlines the procedures and is one of the few sources to admit how little we actually know. Only last year (2023), a paper came out that reported a studie that was actually done on dogs – and this study found no benefits between ENS puppies and the control group who only received “general handling.” This study was done in a “commercial breeding kennel.”

In any case, looking at the kinds of things ENS asks you to do (hold puppies upside down; place them on a cool moist towel (temperature change); tickle their paws with a q-tip) … a lot of these things happen naturally. For example, from the very beginning, Game would, when cleaning the puppies butts or stimulating their digestive tracts, often turn them over, and once they could rob a little more, they would topple over and end up upside down themselves on a regular basis. Every time I lift them out of the blanket fort, there is a temperature change. And every time I handle their paws/toes/nails, they receive treatment akin to tickling their paws. Looking at it like this, ENS really is for puppies who grow up in a labratory-like environment without other kinds of stimulation – otherwise, most of this would happen organically.

… and early socialization

The reason I feel so comfortable with our early socialization aventures is that I’ve seen free-roaming dogs reproduce. These puppies are born out in the world and have contact with dirt and the occasional other dog from the very beginning. Disease is NOT their biggest enemy – it’s humans (being taken by humans or run over by cars once they can leave the nest.)

Puppies of free-roaming dogs will also learn to be away from their mother from day 1 because they aren’t necessarily born near the dogs’ homes, so the dogs will have to leave to find food. When we breed dogs in our houses, we serve every meal to the dog right next to the puppies – but that’s not how it works “in the real world.” One element of ENS is brief separation of the puppies from their mother. In a way, ENS artificially recreates what a free-roamer puppy naturally experiences.

I’d argue (and this is an opinion; I’m not a biologist) that a dog’s natural habitat is to be free-roaming. A Kulturfolger like urban pigeons, rats and cats. Their niche – the niche where most dogs worldwide live – is in proximity to humans, but not with them to the extent pet dogs often do in the Global North. While your life span will likely be shorter when roam freely and don’t get veterinary care, it is still your “natural” (rather than artificial pet dog) life span. Personally (again, this is an opinion based on who I am as a person and what I project on the non-human animals around me – we would need to ask the dogs to get closer to the truth, and nobody is able to do that), I would argue that an animal’s life span is not a measure of their life quality. I do not believe that animals are better off in zoos than in the wild, and I believe the average free-roaming dog has a higher life quality than the average pet dog. (If you are reading this, your dog is unlikely to be an average pet and probably has a very high quality of life.) Again – this is me just sharing my opinion. I acknowledge that the opposite is just as likely to be true – there is no factual basis for this opinion.

That said, I love what Shuli Branson said when I talked to her for a podcast interview this week: cats don’t like doors – but they will happily stay inside when the door is open. What a great metaphor for how we treat each other and the animals we share a life with: only when you’re free to leave can you choose to stay. (Someone said that; it’s a quote – but unfortunately, I can’t for the life of me remember who.) Just like I aim to give my dogs the greatest possible freedom while still keeping them relatively safe, I am preparing these puppies for a life that will, I hope, allow them many freedoms.

2 weeks, 4 days (April 11)

Visitors and field trips

Alan came to visit and snuggled and handled the puppies through the protocol (sans brushing and collar off.) After getting individual attention, all five of them got to hang out on the couch between us for a while – their first time on the couch!

Getting our ears massaged by Alan!

One of the puppies will go to Alan’s Dad. So far, Green is the frontrunner. He’s currently the biggest and darkest boy.

Unfortunately, Kiba couldn’t join us today because she’s recovering from a cough that’s going around our favorite park (the one you may know as Kiba’s Park from Chai’s recall posts). After Alan left, I gave the puppies a break and then headed to Toy Play Plaza. I haven’t seen any overlap between the dogs going to Toy Play Plaza and Kiba’s Park, so that’s where our 30-minute field trip led today. To get to Toy Play Plaza, we need to cross a Avenida San Antonio, a big, busy street. The puppies can’t hear yet, but I turned the mesh side of the carrier towards the street to give them a chance to make out the cars whizzing by and smell the traffic smells.

I sat on a bench at Toy Play Plaza and had everyone out for a minute or two. Three pups got snuffled with about an inch or two of distance by mix Valentina and two by her sister Barbacoa.

Everyone also got admired by two strangers, one of whom asked if they could have one! I’m pretty sure this person would have taken home an 18 days old puppy on impulse, just like the stranger the other day. Now that their eyes are open, they really do appeal to people!

Exploratory behavior aka the prison break

In a daring prison break, Green tunneled under the barrier only to fall asleep right before he could enjoy his freedom. He then woke up again, tunneled an inch or two further – and went back to sleep:

Becoming social animals

Once Green had completed the feat of escaping the blanket fort, he approached Chai:

It is fun to watch how different puppies show the most exploratory behavior on different days. Yesterday, it was Red. Today, it’s Green. By the time Alan came over later, Green had exhausted his energy and fell right asleep in Alan’s lap.

Black play-attacked Red and Blue big time tonight, and later play-postured and pawed at Chai on the other side of the barrier! Black’s walking also looks fantastic as of tonight – coordinated, comparatively fast and very little stumbling!

The senses

I’m giving the puppies a head start on their 3 daily opportunities to lick goat milk or formula off the cookie sheet before unleashing Game to quickly lick it clean. They are drawn to it and increasingly annoyed at the fact that eating doesn’t work by osmosis. The audacity! Today, we were complaining particularly angrily. Even the puppies who had figured out that licking is the way to go seem to have forgotten about that part and find it highly frustrating that paw pads don’t absorb milk.

Fun fact: even when everyone is making a complete mess and covered in food, Game cleans them up lickety split after. I haven’t had to clean a single puppy! Once Game is done with the cookie sheet, Chai will come in and pre-clean the floor before I mop it. Teamwork!

In other tactile news, as of today, I’ve added collar on and off and wiping the corners of their eyes to my handling protocol, and for the second day in a row, I use a human hair brush to gently “brush” the puppies. So far, only I have done these new elements; I gave Alan the old protocol today. I just got a soft brush though, so my next visitor will get to do some brushing too! My human hair brush has plastic “spikes” and I prefer handling it myself to ensure the pressure stays soft. Once they are a little bigger, I might introduce Chai’s metal spikey brush and Game’s Furminator as well. And the dog nail clippers instead of the human ones!

2 weeks, 5 days (April 12)

The senses

At noon, the gang (re)-discovered which way the food goes in! This is the most purpose-driven eating I’ve seen so far. They must have read somewhere that taking a bath in goat milk is good for one’s skin.

By the way, the dogs and I concur that goat milk tastes better than formula. I tried both, and while I don’t like the goat milk (it tastes very … goaty), it still beats the flavorless formula.

As of this morning, I also placed a small mirror in the blanket fort (you can see it in the video above; it’s attached to the barrier), and a concrete/rock thing I found. They didn’t show interest in the mirror – their vision may not be strong enough yet – but the rock got explored and climbed over.

The reason there’s a mirror is that I’ve seen older puppies and juvenile dogs show fear and suspicion when encountering their own image in a mirror. My hope is that introducing them to the concept of mirrors as soon as they can see, and then moving that mirror to different spots in their environment over the days and weeks, will set them up for success, or maybe only small moments of surprise, in terms of future mirror encounters. I might ask my future puppy homes to introduce their 4 or 5 months old puppies to a mirror and record their response for me. I’d love to see what it looks like and whether early mirror encounters will have made a difference!

Becoming social animals

Green and Purple played in the afternoon! It was VERY cute!

Field trips and social life

We spent about 30 minutes on a field trip walking to the place I buy Chai’s dehydrated liver trats from. Everyone got loved on by the lovely folks working there who welcomed a puppy break!

We then went to the park across the street to meet today’s canine helpers: Yorkie Peter, Chi Benji and mixy mix Mira. Except for Green, who only got one round, the puppies got snuffled by two of the helpers each. When we got to Green, only Mira was still interested in helping. Those two got their picture taken though:


I clipped everyone’s claws on the left back paw, followed by the milk bar – counterconditioning for the win! They were a little more restless today than last time; I assume because they were hungry.

I also handled and gently held everyone (I define “holding” as purposefully letting them sleep or sit in my arms getting pets or relaxing for 5 minutes or more) at night. Tonight’s handling protocol involved the whole shabang: collar off – squeeze paws/toes – ears – tail – “clean” the corners of the eyes with a piece of paper towel, brush back, sides, head, legs, tail and chest and/or belly with our new soft brush – collar on.

2 weeks, 6 days (April 13)

Field trips and social life

We left for our field trip in the morning, but it was already too late for the heat to be bearable. The rebels were active in the cab, but by the time we got to our destination (after a pharmacy errand they came on), they were panting and then fell asleep: it was too hot to do more than that. I got everyone a little water, put cool water on the soles of their paws and a bottle of cool water in the carrier, but they just slept through the rest of the adventure.

A bottle of cool water and an open carrier – but everyone, including me, was still hot.

I held everyone for several minutes outside at Ciudad Universitaria, which was teeming with dogs and their humans, and placed them down just outside the carrier so they’d have a new surface (what would be grass if there was rain but is dusty dirt in the absence of it.) They slept through it all. Two dogs walked up and sniffed them from a few inches distance over the course of the time we were there, and lots of them were running and playing around us – but I doubt that the puppies had any idea what was going on. They were out!

Sleeping through today’s adventures – partly on a new surface.

I’m not counting today for dog socialization. This will likely be the first week we don’t meet our dog-interaction goal. We may still meet the human interaction goal: two friends are coming over tonight, which will make them humans #5 and 6 for the week. There’s still a seventh new human left on my tracker – we’ll see what tomorrow brings.

The cab ride home from Ciudad Universitaria was better because we weren’t stuck in traffic – we moved pretty fast with all the windows down, which created a nice breeze. By the time we approached my place, the puppies just started to wake up again – that breeze certainly helped. By the time we were up at my apartment – which I had managed to keep several degrees cooler than the outside world – they were ready to rumble. Everyone peed as soon as I took them out of the carrier. Black admired herself in the mirror and then tried walking into the mirror. Some of them played for a few seconds. Then it was time for a meal (aka Game’s bar) followed by a siesta.

I feel like today’s outing probably didn’t benefit them in any way, except for the cab ride We went to a fairly loud place and on the way there, which came with being stuck in traffic, there was a lot of honking and motorcycle engines roaring. I don’t think the puppies can hear quite yet though; at least they didn’t respond to any of the noise or the noise of the construction site we got stuck next to in the cab a little later. There even were helicopter sounds really loud and close!

The puppies will turn 3 weeks tomorrow, which is about the time they start being able to hear. I wonder if hearing comes online all at once or gradually. Is it a singular neurological event, like a sudden on-switch? Or is it a physiological slow unsealing of the ears? I know the latter is part of it – their ears have been slowly unfolding over the last few weeks – but I’m not sure if it is the former as well. If it was only the latter, they must have heard at least muffled sounds today with the level of noise they were exposted to – in that case, they’d just have been too hot to care.2

Now that I’ve seen play behavior start, I’d LOVE to introduce them to a litter of the same age. Maybe I’ll look around on Facebook to see if I can hunt one down!

We were out for almost 1 and 45 minutes today3 – and up until now, the puppies haven’t even once done their business in the crate! Once again, they all went to pee as soon as I took them out at home. I’m impressed!

While two friends dropped by tonight, it ended up being a one-puppy-per-person kind of evening. We also got lazy and didn’t work them through the handling protocol, just hung out and made sure everyone got held by one new person. This may end up being the first week I don’t meet all the goals I set for the rebels … we’ll see what tomorrow brings!

More play behaviors!

Today is the first day I’ve seen object play in the puppies: we pawed and grabbed(ish) at the curtain blowing in the wind, and puppy-postured (“Hello! I’m a big strong powerful Malinois! Who are you?”) at the vacuum.

They are getting faster; they come over when I step into the blanket fort to explore my feet; they are more interested in engaging Chai and climbing over Game’s back … they are like perfect little toy dogs! I’m in love.

The senses

Scorching heat! Water in their mouth and on their toes. Potentially dirt under their paws and bodies (if they noticed.) Potentially lots of noisy stuff: helicopter, honking, motorcycle engines, dogs barking. Breathing in dust kicked up by playing dogs.

Before we headed out today, I spritzed everyone with the Frontline anti-parasite spray that’s safe to use in young puppies: the pet supply store that carries it restocked on it, and since I had more interactions in mind for today than actually happened, they got Frontlined. Just a little spritz because it smells bad – it smells like vet.

Meanderings on early socialization and environmental exposure

Heading out (and not getting the socializing experience I had been aiming for), I remembered a question Trish McMillan and Jessica Hekman posed in an old episode of the Functional Breeding podcast.4 They asked where all the nice pet dogs used to come from or will come from in the future. If I remember correctly, the conversation turned to the days in the (US/Canadian) past when people let their dogs roam and breed freely. Trish remembered dogs having less behavioral issues back in the day.

It’s hard to say if this feels as if it was the case simply because it has become fashionable to see a behaviorist while 50 years ago, this wasn’t something people commonly did. It could be like saying there are more gay people today than 50 years ago simply because today, more gay people are out, not because there actually are more – you just happen to know more. In the same way, it is possible that we are only now noticing the behavioral challenges dogs have always faced.

Or – and this is the tentative argument made on the podcast – there just used to be lovely, genetically sound mixes who are getting less and less common nowadays because of the US/Canadian spay-and-neuter movements and because letting dogs take themselves for unsupervised walks has fallen out of fashion.

Another argument that was not made on the podcast – I’m just throwing it out there as a thought; I do not know how much of an impact this difference actually has – is that I’m pretty sure “back in the day,” when the neighbor’s dog had puppies, the neighborhood kids would pick up these puppies, bring their friends over, carry the pups around the neighborhood … pretty much from the day they were born. The reason I suspect this was the case in the US and Canada, which the Functional Breeding podcast focuses on, is that I know this used to be the case in my mother’s hometown when I was growing up as well. It’s less common today, but since it is a tiny rural farming town, it’s probably still happening to some extent.

These puppies were not behütet in the same way today’s Puppy Culture/Avidog-bred dogs are. No one told these puppies that their socialization period only starts at 3 weeks of age. So maybe – just maybe – unstructured early socialization played a part in dogs being more socially savvy as well (if they actually were more socially savvy; I do not know if they were. People were certainly more tolearant of dogs behaving like dogs, and this in and of itself must be causing a bias in terms of what behaviors were versus are considered “normal” or acceptable.)

I don’t know where the “3 weeks” argument comes from. Everybody who is nerdy about dogs “knows” that this is when “the sensitive/critical – depending on who you ask – socialization period” starts … but why do we say that? What study is it based on? Do we assume this because when puppies turn 3 weeks old, they start being able to hear? Do we assume it based on something Scott and Fuller wrote in 1965, doing some study or other no one has ever replicated? Or do we actually KNOW that this IS when socialization becomes important? And if so, how do we know? Does it truly not matter at all whether puppies have contact with dogs and people before that age? (These are not rhethorical questions – I do not have an answer and I am genuinely curious. If you read this and know of a peer-reviewed study, please send it my way!)

The second issue people think about a lot when considering whether to introduce puppies to the world is physical health. Being vaccinated is great – no arguments there. I am all for Western medicine. My dogs have always been vaccinated and de-parasitized and all the shabang. That said, back in the day, in my mother’s hometown, this was not the rule. Most dogs were not vaccinated. Consequently, they didn’t pass maternal antibodies on to their puppies. These puppies didn’t get vaccinated either. Most of them still survived, and if one didn’t, it was more likely due to rough handling by a child or a car accident than due to a preventable viral disease. I’m sure these diseases happened as well – I just suspect outbreaks aren’t as common as people believe. I acknowledge that I may be wrong about this as well – I haven’t seen any numbers/statistics; this is just the subjective impression I have based on my childhood observations of the dogs in my mother’s hometown and my current observations of free-roaming dogs and their puppies in Guatemala and Mexico.

I know that my “early socialization and environmental exposure program” has shocked a few people. I know because they’ve told me, and I assume there are more folks out there who haven’t told me (thank you, since I didn’t ask for your advice.) Just based on having disapproval pointed out to me in my in person life, I assume there may be some folks reading this who also disapprove. I’ve already addressed my reasons, but I’d like to do so again before we enter “the official socialization period” starting tomorrow.

Maternal antibodies

Game is vaccinated, i.e. the puppies are being protected by maternal antibodies for their first few weeks of life. How long these antibodies last varies (based on the sources I’ve found online.) 6 weeks seems to be an estimation many veterinarians share, so that’s when I’ll first vaccinate the puppies. Maybe – probably! – there’ll be a week or two, or at least a day or two, where the puppies won’t be protected by maternal antibodies anymore and won’t be protected by their vaccine yet. I’m okay with this risk. I would do the same socialization program even if I raised puppies from an unvaccinated dog.

My dog trainer bias

As a dog trainer, I see behavioral issues in adult dogs all the time, and a lot of the time, these issues look like they might stem from a lack of socialization. I rarely see medical issues because I’m not a vet. I also see puppies grow up free-roaming and be fine (until they are old enough to get run over or stolen by a human. Litter sizes typically start shrinking once the puppies are between 8 and 12 weeks old. Puzzle is a textbook example of this.)

Due to my background, I’m biased in favor of behavioral soundness over physical health. If there is a window when the puppies are not protected against diseases, I assume it is relatively unlikely that they will pick up anything more serious than a cough they’ll quickly recover from. And even if one of them did pick up something more serious – the behavioral benefits would still outweigh the risk for me. Note what I said here: for me. Opinions vary, and that’s okay. That’s how it is supposed to be! We would never learn anything new as a species if our behavior didn’t vary from one individual to the next.

I work with students with all kinds of different points of view, and I LOVE supporting them in making the choices that are right for them, whatever these choices are. Their socialization choices don’t have to be mine – that’s between them and their veterinarian. I will only weigh in if I am directly asked what I would do, and I will stress that I am not a vet and can therefore only share an opinion, but not an answer based on medical expertise.

Maybe in their new homes, Game’s puppies will be kept out of risky situations until they have completed their puppy vaccination series. That’s just as fine as doing things my way. This is not what makes or breaks a good home for me. I’m just a passionate human with an opinion that is no more or less valid than the opposite opinion of someone else who doesn’t have a medical degree either. What I hope to achieve though is that Game’s puppies will already have SO many neutral and positive social experiences under their collar by the time they go to their new homes that it won’t matter if they don’t meet dogs or strangers for a few weeks.

Opinions …

One more thing on differing opinions (when it comes to dog socialization5): we know very little because there aren’t enough studies that have been done on dogs. I don’t feel strongly about my own way of doing things – but I do feel strongly about everyone getting to socialize puppies in whatever way feels right to them. That includes me – and it also includes you, no matter how you want to do things. I would fight for you getting to have your way just as much as I’d fight for having it my way myself.

Random tangential thought: I wonder if the crazy price tag on dogs is part of the reason puppy buyers are hesitant to socialize early. Are you more likely to take the health risk of early socialization and environmental exposure if you didn’t pay several thousand dollars for your new puppy? I’d be curious to know how this affects decision making in humans!

3 weeks (April 14)

Field trips

Social life

We went to Parque México and on a corner store errand this morning. Everyone got snuffled once. They all also got held and snuggled by Natalia for a few minutes, and Purple even got two turns!

Thank you for your assistance, Natalia and Bruna!

All in all, we were out for about 1 hour 45 minutes again. Leaving at 8AM and being back before 10 really is the latest possible time to avoid the scorching heat of the day!

One of the puppies peed in the carrier for the first time. They all peed as soon as they got out at home as well. This suggests to me that they tried to hold it, but one of them had to pee at some point during the outing and just couldn’t. Still – pretty neat!

First subway ride

We are city puppies, so we also went on our first subway ride tonight!

Two brief subway rides and traffic watching at dusk.

I took an Uber home from the station because the puppies and I were all hot. Our driver wanted to meet one – so Blue got held by an additional person today! I’ll have to start giving them their individual trackers to keep … ahm … track!

As of today, the rebels are rapidly growing their fan club: two strangers asked for my Instagram (which is aptly named “adogisabondbetweenstrangers”) because they want to see puppy photos and the Uber driver, Michel, offered to visit with their kids to help socialize. Many worthwhile things take a village. A village isn’t something you have – it’s something you make. Over and over again.

Life at home …

… is playing, moving, sleeping, eating and lots of being upside down!

As of today, everyone has learned to eat goat milk. I’ve started calling pup-pup-pup before putting down the tray: their first recall cue in the making.

For the most part, they are just being damn cute:

A sleepy puppy pile and perfect little paws!

The senses

I saw Black startle when I clapped my hands this morning! She also tried walking into the mirror again today and got upset when it didn’t work.

Puppy culture suggests introducing a new object to the puppies every day from 3 weeks onwards. I am planning on having them encounter new things out and about every day, but may leisurely introduce objects – mostly surfaces – at home as well. Today, I put a scale on the floor so they could practice walking on a glass surface. Green already walked back and forth over the glass surface and red investigated it by sniffing it without stepping on. Black walked across a little later – no one has been fazed by it so far.

I’ll have to get a dinosaur balloon from the vendors in the park sometime next week – they are pretty odd-looking and should make fun objects.

After seeing Black’s startle response to noise this morning, I just saw Blue have a response to noise this afternoon! (I dropped a book next to all of them to test if they could hear already. What book? The third CU book. We want to get startled by good books only.) Blue and Black were the only ones that startled. Either the others can’t hear yet or they didn’t care. In any case – exciting!! We’re starting to be able to HEAR! All the senses!

The puppies experienced the thick underground air of a city subway station; anyone who can hear heard trains arrive and take off and the sounds of the moving staircase and the crowd. Anyone who can’t hear would still have felt the pressure change/wind/suction feeling of the arriving and leaving train. They were curious, moving around in the carrier and trying to stick out their heads on the train. I’ll take them on at least one more subway ride – we’ll have to see if it happens when they still all fit into the carrier at the same time!

After the subway ride, everyone got about 30 seconds of being held outside the carrier as I sat on a staircase and we watched the cars whizzing by, lights turned on, as dusk turned to night.

We only left around 7PM, but it was still hot. Clearly, mornings are best for field trips these days. We’ll have a visitor tomorrow night and a field trip in the morning – this set-up should work best; we just have to get out the door in time.

Handling and husbandry

Only Red’s nails have grown enough for safe clipping (i.e. clipping a tiny little bit without hitting the quick.) As for everyone else’s claws, I just touched them with the nail clippers and gently pulled on them with the clippers. Purple protested the most (the most still being much less than when I first started clipping); everyone else was pretty chill. We followed it right up with a turn at the milk bar.

Everyone did well going through the handling protocol. Most of them half-dozed through it. Red complained softly for the first 30 seconds. Purple struggled against it. Purple is STRONG! He’s all muscle and is getting really good about trying to push himself out of human arms – it’s impressive! I might give him some extra handling next week – first an extra holding session; then an extra handing one to ease him into it.

Observations like this are most likely momentary: today, Purple is squiggly and fully awake. Tomorrow, someone else will be and Purple may be chill again. In any case, when someone stands out to me in a particular way, I’ll try to give them extra attention in the respective area just in case.

Last but not least: my color tracker obsession …

… which you may not care about if you’re reading this, but I’m keeping it here for my own nerdy records. I love manual notes that are more than just written, involve colors and have a clear purpose.

The only thing missing on the picture is Game’s Sunday dinner – chicken and tortillas deluxe.

The final tally: only Blue reached her new-human goal; the others are one human short – we’ll add that one to week 4! Everyone except for Green reached their new-dog goal. We’ll aim for an additional dog for Green this next week.

I’m impressed; week 3 is the first week I haven’t met all the lofty goals I set – and I almost did!

  1. It is significantly cheaper for a human to fly with a puppy in cabin than to ship the puppy internationally through an agency. I imagine if one of them moves abroad, this would be how they’d get to their new home. ↩︎
  2. Edited to add: I have since asked this question in the Functional Breeding Facebook group, and someone pointed me to this article. Quote: “The ears open at around day 12-14, and after that hearing quickly develops to adult levels by day 20 […].” This isn’t a study, but a summary. Two studies are cited at the bottom, but unfortunately, I currently don’t have the time to look at them, their sample sizes and research methods. Check yourself or take this information with a grain of salt! ↩︎
  3. I’m taking my pointers from Game when deciding how long an outing seems okay to me, and I make sure my Game-less puppy adventures are shorter than the time she leaves them alone. At night, she typically feeds them once between midnight and 2 in the morning, and then leaves them alone until sometime between 5 and 7AM. She’ll feed them more often during the day, but doesn’t hang out right next to them at all times anymore – she’ll enjoy wandering through the apartment, doing her things, or napping on the couch more and more in between interacting with the pups. They haven’t complained. If they call for her, she’ll be right there to check on them. ↩︎
  4. I’ve since found the episode. There is actually less talk about “where the pet dogs come from” than I remember, and the arguments I thought I remembered weren’t made in exactly this way. Here’s the podcast episode. ↩︎
  5. There are other things I feel VERY strongly about and where I don’t consider random opinions to be equally valid; mostly issues related to politics and justice. In contrast, nerding out about dogs is one of my sources of joy. How to train or socialize a dog is not a hill I am interested in dying on – in fact, it’s a reprieve from those hills. ↩︎

Week 23 digest: September 3-9, 2023

September 3, 2023: a play date for Chai

Activity level: average

The AM

We only spent 15 minutes at the almost empty Fresa Parque: Game crashed into a park table/chair, whined and stopped putting weight on her left front paw. So we headed right back home, she got a dose of Rimadyl and is now sleeping on the couch. Pobrecita!

Home alone

Chai stayed home alone for Game’s shortish noon loop (trying to let her paw recover – luckily no limping for now, but I can’t tell if that’s the Rimadyl or her body recovering).

Noon and PM: Chai’s solo adventure

Once I finished work, it was time to head out and meet a colleague and their dogs for some dog geekery. Chai got to hang and play at Dead Poultry Park for 4 hours. She is passed out on the floor now! I had hoped to do some morning shaping (but work got in the way) or afternoon shaping, but I suspect we’ll just let sleeping dogs lie today! This was a lot of exercise and fun! Lucky Chai found a stinky water hole to get muddy in, played with my colleague’s dogs Hilo and Nemo, earned lots of treats for staying within a mostly approved-by-me radius, found a tasty bone and did really well hanging out next to a park bench while the humans had tlacoyos. Good puppy!

Dirty dogs are happy dogs!

September 4, 2023: a formal recall success, 3 parks and a little shaping

Activity level: average

The AM

The three of us had 25 minutes of fun at Fresa Parque. Chai got to play with a young Mal and then found something to eat somewhere behind some bushes where I couldn’t see her. (Of course, my informal pup-pup-pup recall didn’t work because found food is EVERYTHING to Chai and I am not using my formal recall in real life yet.)

Game was running around cheerfully again even though I haven’t given her a painkiller yet – looks like she’s all good! YAY! So glad! That “I am in so much pain” face and whining as she came back to me after crashing into the park chair/table really had me worried for a moment. She usually dismisses pain entirely if it happens while she’s having fun, so that was a strong reaction for her!

Home alone

Chai stayed home alone briefly while Game and I walked errands.

Solo adventure and formal recall success!

Chai and I spent 20 minutes at Toy Play Plaza. We started out by repeating last time’s recall on a long line … and succeeded! Go Chai!

Then there was a taco de birria for the bestest girl and looping around the park, briefly greeting two dogs and playing in the fountain (our personal public baby pool) twice before heading back home.


We worked on the sit up trick. Unfortunately, I believe I got what Silvia calls an “ugly sit” again but didn’t see it in real time: Chai’s back paws weren’t facing directly forwards but to the side. I’m going to have to experiment a bit more to learn how to see the perfect position in real time!

We also worked on one object in another on the roof. The smaller container I’m trying to use instead of the last one isn’t working either … I’ll have to find something else. It may be time to go shopping for more kitchenware and look for bolitos in all the sizes! (I’m very much not someone who gets excited about shopping … unless it’s for dog-related stuff! Or plants!)

I had planned on also working on 4 in as well, but work got in the way. Hopefully tomorrow!

Kiba’s park with Game

Game, Chai and I went to Kiba’s Park to run around dogs, screaming and running kids and large umbrellas for half an hour:

They also did a lovely job waiting for me outside a pharmacy.

September 5, 2023: park time, formal recall oops and a little training

Activity level: average

The AM

We started the morning with 40 minutes of park time for Game and Chai. Mornings tend to be enrichment-based (unless Chai is in a mood to play with other dogs): both dogs will scavenge all over the park, finding scraps of what folks left behind the previous night and pieces of bread and tortilla chips the bird-and-squirrel lovers sprinkle like perfect scatters in certain areas in the morning.

Scavengers in their element! Now that Chai’s stomach isn’t as sensitive anymore, she gets to have all the food-finding fun as well.

Home alone

Chai stayed home alone around noon when Game and I went out to get Chai’s recall taco.

Solo adventure

Today’s solo adventure was short – just long enough to get a formal recall oops in! But a solo outing is a solo outing, and we’ll take it!

Tricks and obediency stuff

We worked on 4 paws in, one object in another on the roof and down/good/get it in the afternoon at Fresa Parque (no video of the last one but Chai did very well!)

PM at the park

Before it started raining, both dogs got to go back to Fresa Parque for another 40 minutes. Together with Chai’s solo outing, we’re at our solid 1.5 hour outdoors average (not counting noon and evening pee loops).

Chai found a cup of consomé and opened it for Game and herself, and they shared it. It smelled delicious and from what I could see, it tasted just that way as well.

Chai then went on to do her afternoon job: steal the balls of all the dogs in the park she could steal from to bring to me and trade for treats. She’s a busy Border Collie with a lot of jobs!

September 6, 2023: a typical BC fun-and-training day

Activity level: average

The AM

We spent 40 minutes at Fresa Parque and Chai had a good time with her park friends. Game did great taking treats for just letting everyone be, and then both dogs wrapped up with a little sniff-and-scavage fun.

Home alone

Chai stayed home alone while Game and I ran errands for 20 minutes. She hasn’t been home alone for longer periods of time lately, but we’ve been doing a good job keeping up with multiple weekly 5-30 minute home-alone sessions (without Game). Normalize, normalize and normalize again!

Trick training

We worked on 4 paws in bowl #5, sit up and placing one object into another one.

Afternoon park adventures

Chai, Game and I went to Fresa Parque, waited outside a store and practiced foot-on-leash downs at a papelería for 1.5 hrs. The walk there took us quite a bit because Chai was in the mood to pull on her back-clip harness, resulting in many, many circles! I’m really happy Game is an off leash dog, allowing me to focus on Chai when I circle!

On the walk back from the park, Chai walked partly in collar mode. I reinforced every 5 steps today – that way, I needed hardly any nose bumps even though Game was off leash ahead of us us!

At the park, Chai played a bit with two new dogs, both her and Game scavenged and both worked on the tunnel cue since we had the dog park to ourselves. No solo adventure today, but a good day for dogs! Especially for Chai who got an easy formal taco recall (when she was already looking at me!) to super-charge “Schnee!”

Good dogs waiting patiently at the papelería while someone is trying to figure out how to print a page without margins for me.

September 7, 2023

Activity level: going for low today to catch up with work and make sure every week has its low energy day! Let’s see if we’ll succeed …

Note from the future: I succeeded! Low it is!

The AM

Game and Chai spent 30 minutes at Fresa Parque, scavenging and, in Chai’s case, playing a bit with her friend Sam the Doberman. Game got brushed at the park: she is blowing her coat and there’s Malinois fur everywhere.

Chai got bullied a bit by another dog and came back to me to be protected. I love that she trusts I will look out for her, reinforced and did my best to keep the bully at arm’s length.

Happy morning play with Chai’s friend Sam!

Training – just a little bit!

We allowed ourselves a single sit-up session. I forgot to hit record, so no video. In any case: a single sit-up session is totally okay for a quiet day! We’re still within the boundaries of calm-day-ness!

The briefest of solo adventures

We went out briefly to practice a formal recall on a back tie at our usual spot and marvelled at a squirrel together. (Tip: show your dog that you share their interests!)

Home alone

Chai stayed home alone briefly while Game and I ran an errand, and both dogs stayed home alone when I went inline skating at night.

Watching Chai on a calm day

Chai has been really good! She played a little with what’s left of the dolphin toy tonight, tossing it up in the air and pouncing on it. She has been really good about relaxing and isn’t being a pushy, demanding pup at all, but totally able to entertain herself. I’m very happy with how she’s developing!

September 8, 2023: lots of training and fun with friends

Activity level: average

The AM

We spent 30 minutes at Fresa Parque. Chai played a little with now 5-months-old little Doodle Pipa and the dogs enjoyed their urban enrichment jungle (aka finding food and sniffing stuff) for the rest of the time. I ran an experiment with soaked tortilla-chip pieces someone had left for birds and squirrels by sprinkling kibble on top. These two food items seem to be the same value.


We had a lovely 4-paws-in-a-bowl session and a great one-object-in-another session – the best one with our new object, the nail clippers, yet!

After I worked a bit, we did sit up on the floor and then I shaped a sit on a crate. I hope the crate is narrow enough to “force” Chai to keep her back legs facing forwards which, in turn, would allow me to work on the sit up trick ON that platform:

The video above ends right where I should have ended the session. Start to finish sit on a platform – perfect. Leave it at that; take the fact that a treat got stuck under my suitcase kitchen door as a good moment to end.

That’s not what happened in real life. See me continue for a few more minutes and Chai’s response below!

Solo adventure

Chai and I went to Kiba’s park to meet up with Alan. I got another successful recall away from Kiba before saying hi and we both worked our pups – Alan on leg weaves and downs and me on downs and stands, and both girls got to play single-toy fetch with Kiba’s ball.

We walked part of the way back in collar mode (5-20 steps between treats).

Chai also met Loki, a mix she enjoys playing with (see middle picture below), and found a dog food bag to climb into. Maybe she’s telling me to change our kibble brand!

September 9, 2023: out of the city with friends!

Activity level: high physical

Both dogs got their own morning loops today and then hung out at the house while I worked a little. Before it was time to leave on Chai’s solo adventure, Game got another brief pee loop by herself.

Solo adventure at Los Dinamos

Kristen, Kala, Luca, Chai and I went to Los Dinamos for the better part of the day. Chai and Kala played A LOT. Chai saw horses and mules – both grazing freely and with horseback riders – sheep, goats, got rushed by 4 of the shepherd’s dogs and recovered fast, saw various groups of suddenly appearing people and had no feelings about them, rolled in horse poop, played in the river and ate parts of an apparently delicious head- and partially legless rotten animal. It was mostly skeleton with little flakes of rotten meat stuck to it – probably either a small sheep or a mid-sized dog? I don’t know, but on the drive home, the entire car smelled deliciously corpse-like. Chai did not throw up on the drive there and back and did not get frustrated about Kala being squeezed in right next to her crate before getting to properly greet her. She was gentle with Luca and didn’t bother him at all, and interested in sticks and stones a kid tossed into the river for Kala and her. She also did an excellent C-runs-away easy taco recall – meaning the next one gets to be a distraction one again! The conversation with the shepherd was fascinating, and Kristen and I had a fun time. This may be the last time we’ll hang out because they’ll be moving abroad, but we sure made the most of it!

Left: Chai and Kala explore the river. Right: Luca is practicing being the cutest boy e-ver!

The last time Chai saw a horse, she got spooked. This time, she first contemplated this mule from a distance and then decided it was safe to go closer and sniff. (I didn’t worry here because Chai’s body language lets me know I’d be able to call her off and the mule doesn’t mind her presence.)

Chai and Kala came across a flock of sheep and goats!

The flock and two of the shepherd’s 10ish dogs. They are all related and puppies are raised with the flock, like lifestock guardian dogs traditionally are. Young dogs learn from older ones. They both guard and are able to keep the flock together. When nothing is going on, they doze in the shade. They are out with their human and the flock for ~6 hours a day. I learned so much from this shepherd, who was kind enough to hang out for a bit and answer all my questions about living with sheep and dogs as a small-scale subsistance farmer.

Left: right before Chai got rushed, she got just a little too close to the flock and the dogs made it clear to her. Right: watching the sheep from a distance after the shepherd has communicated to their dogs that we are friends. Chai’s herding instinct didn’t kick in – but it’s also possible she is still recovering from getting rushed and would have reacted differently to a flock without dogs. In any case, I’d venture it is safe to say that Chai is not magnetized to sheep. In the background story I have been told, her dad is a working sheepdog, but I am somewhat doutbful about the truth of this story.

I could have spent another hour talking to them, but didn’t want to keep them too long. While what I said above is what they told me, what follows are observations and parts I pieced together based on what I’ve read on this way of life in other parts of the world – it may or may not actually be the case for this particular shepherd and their flock.

The dogs and the life of subsistance farming (observations and thoughts):

The dogs are shepherdy-looking mixes about Game’s/Kala’s size; some with slightly more coat. From what this shepherd said, they are all related – so they have puppies and the puppies learn from their parents.

It is interesting to me that the dogs who are actually used for herding by people who do this for a living are not a particular breed of herding dog or even a landrace. I’d venture the most common breed in Mexico that is widely recognized as a herding breed is Australian Cattle Dogs (they are everywhere in the city, but usually not used to herd sheep), followed by Border Collies (used to herd sheep by people who do it for fun but not by people like this shepherd) and Old English Sheepdogs (who I don’t think are used for herding, but are a popular family dog breed around here). I’ve seen Australian Cattle Dogs throughout economic backgrounds while Border Collies and especiallyOld English Sheepdogs are fancier-neighborhood-dogs. I also have seen one ACD who was actually herding, but I was only passing by. I had the impression that this dog was an actual sheepdog, not a rich person’s hobby herding pal.

I found it extremely interesting that the dogs of the shepherd we met had a bubble around the sheep. There was clearly a boundary outside of which they allowed other dogs, but inside of which they would guard. Chai overstepped the boundary and their behavior changed immediately. Once they had chased Chai back of the bubble, they went back to chilling. I asked if the shepherd had taught the concept of the bubble to their dogs, and they said no – the dogs are doing this naturally.

It was also deeply fascinating to me that the dogs seemed to naturally surround the flock, protecting them from all sides. The flock did not seem bothered by the dogs at all and the dogs seemed very relaxed. The way they surrounded the flock kept the flock together and the invisible bubble kept intruders (like Chai) out.

I asked the shepherd if Chai and I might approach a little more so we could test how she’d react to the sheep when being closer (this is just something I’ve been meaning to test). The shepherd had control of their dogs – once they invited us into the bubble, the dogs stood back. (The shepherd had a stick and used body language to communicate with the dogs, but not in an aggressive way at all – they just communicated clearly that Chai was a friend to be welcomed into the bubble.)

I would love to spend a day with this shepherd, the flock and the dogs. I wonder what their everyday life looks like: how far from the green space do they live? How much do they walk? Are they always on the move or do they stick to one general area? How often is there a potential conflict? And is it always with visiting dogs or is there also wildlife or other pets to look out for? Maybe even humans? Is everyone on the same page about the shepherd using this (public) land for their sheep? What do the dogs eat (feeding 10 mid-sized to large dogs is a lot!) Do they have other sources of income or is it based on the sheep alone – on their meat? What does community or family structure look like? How much interaction is there with the wider capitalist society a subsistance farmer, whether they want to or not, is necessarily embedded in? If this shepherd had a kid, what opportunities will the kid have? Is it necessary for the kid to work as soon as they can walk in order to feed everyone or are they able to go to school, graduate, study; choose a totally different path in life?

I am curious about all of this, but it’s not my place to ask. I’ll probably never know. From the outside, to me, it’s easy to romantisize this life: it is calm. It has nature, animals, movement and little to no technology. It is physical and human-powered, not fossil-fuel-powered, and there is so much to observe about your animals, their interactions, the people you see, the changes of the plants, birds and insects around you through the seasons. I know there is a version of me who’d enjoy this life – its physicalness; the nailing of wooden planks to create a barn; the walking. Naming and observing your dogs. Keeping their puppies (the ones who survive); seeing them grow up. Observing local plants, birds, lizards; how their behavior changes with the times of day and year …

It is easy to romanticize because I wasn’t born into this life. If I were, I might feel completely different about it – after all, as it is, I did not keep the life I was actually born into and the same thing might have happened had I been born into a different life. And spinning that thought further: the life I was born into was a privileged one that allowed me to leave it behind. If I was born into the life of subsistance farming, leaving that life may not be an option. Or it may be just as much an option as it was for me and the live I actually got! I don’t know, but I can’t help but enjoy leisurly following these threads of thought as I’m clening up this pst at 2:30AM in the morning, a day before I’ll release kt.

Check the dog social post for today’s video of Kala, Chai and Luca!

Home alone

Chai stayed home alone for Game’s morning and pre and post solo-adventure walks.

Chaiary: 6 days with Scarlett

I dropped Chai off with my dogsitter-turned-friend for 6 days: April 30-May 6.1

Scarlett has become one of Game’s favorite people. If anyone needs a dog sitter in Mexico City – reach out to me and I’ll pass on the information!

Scarlett sent me videos and pictures of Chai throughout the week. She also started training her to go on a potty pad in the corridor of her apartment: she was looking after a German Shepherd puppy as well. That dog’s owners had asked Scarlett to potty-pad train their puppy, so Chai just got the same approach. I am proud to report that according to Scarlett, Chai simply picked up that skill (“Oh, is this where you want us pups to go? Sure; will do!”).

Scarlett’s teaching approach was praise and feeding Chai (a single time!) when she went on the pad and gently scolding her (a single time!) when she went somewhere else in the apartment. From then on, according to Scarlett, Chai knew where to go! Smart girl!

Some pictures I got over the course of the week:

I can’t believe how tiny Chai used to be! (It’s July 24 as I’m intending to publish this post and Chai is a lot bigger today than she was in this picture!)

… and the videos! Scarlett looked after several other dogs and Chai got to play with them all. Below are 6 short clips I edited together:

Apart from conviviendo with all these dogs, Chai made friends with Scarlett’s housemate (her primo) and another primo of hers who was visiting the days Chai stayed with Scarlett. She also taught Chai a rock-back sit to ask for food and took her out 3 times every day – sometimes by herself, sometimes together with another dog.

Chai slept by herself in the corridor without complaining and went on pee pads for the first time. Lots of great new life experiences in a new neighborhood (Polanco) for a little Border Collie!

Chai is getting to know different parts of Mexico City – and her third apartment since being with me!

Avoid routines?

Some dogs – among them Border Collies – thrive on routine. They are the high-strung, highly sensitive individuals of the dog world: intense and sensitive, intelligent and maybe just a little neurotic (in the best colloquial sense of the word). Of course not every Border Collie is that way, but I venture (based on my own breed stereotypes as well as personal and anecdotal observations) that compared to other breeds, many individual Border Collies score high on one or more of the above traits. Both Hadley and Mick did – in very different yet similarly intense ways. So did client’s and colleagues’ Border Collies. Then again, my clients are often my clients because their dogs are difficult, and my colleagues are crazy dog people like me. My sample may not be representative of the Border Collie population as a whole. But I digress!

I remember reading – it must have been years ago and I may be misremembering the source, but I believe it was on Sara Carson‘s FB page – that they purposefully avoided creating a routine for their dogs, starting in puppyhood, in order to guard against routine dependency. I don’t think this has been studied in dogs, but it’s an interesting thought.

I suspect – just watching different dogs and humans grow up, hearing friends reminisce about (or shudder thinking back at) their own childhood and parents talking about their kids – that there is only so much influence we have on our animal’s (or our own or our kid’s) dependence on structure and routine versus go-with-the-flow-ness. Just like raising your kid to be an extroverted person doesn’t seem to make them so if that’s not who they already are. I suspect – and again, I have zero citations for this so it’s really an opinion – that routine-dependency is a relatively stable personality trait for most (not all – nothing is true for everyone) animals and robust to change.

Take, for example, dogs who perform in front of large audiences (like The Supercollies) and travel a lot. Yes, Sara may not give them a routine when they grow up (for example they don’t get breakfast or dinner at a certain time every day). But of course Sara also selects for dogs who are already likely to succeed living their kind of lifestyle by choosing as wisely as they can. Being an excellent trainer with lots of connections in the dog world, Sara knows how to choose wisely and has access to the kind of dogs they want – dogs the average person may not have access to or know to select.

So are we seeing the result of genetics OR of having grown up with a carefully instrumented lack of routine when we see a resilient Border Collie who does well with change? I don’t think we can tease the two apart (without doing experiments over several generations of dogs).

My dogs have traditionally not had strict routines, and ever since reading Sara’s post years ago, I think that it can’t hurt to keep things that way – even though I’m suspicious of the idea that we humans could possibly have this much influence on a dog’s personality. It’s a scary thought that we can mold another being to that extent (I mean not teach them skills or develop a relationship, but sculpt their personality). Which is a good reminder: I should probably be equally suspicious of my home-alone and dogsitting theories as I am of Sara’s lack-of-routine theory!

Be that as it may: Chai is growing up without a strict routine. For example, there are no fixed meal times because most days, I use all her food in training. There are no fixed training times either: I train when I have time and that’s different every day.

So far, Chai seems to do well with that just like my other puppies have. (I do think that’s just who she is though, and the same goes for Game. Both these dogs are VERY easy-going examples of their respective breeds. Not of the dog population as a whole – but of their respective breeds for sure. Game, like Sara’s dogs, was carefully selected to do well with my lifestyle. She’s not from a random breeder around the corner – I flew to Amsterdam to pick up a puppy from a particular breeder and a particular litter after doing my research. Chai on the other hand? Pure luck!)

Grit was raised the same way as my other puppies but never turned into an easy-going dog. That’s just not who she was (neither were her parents), and my training and socialization didn’t change her personality. (They did, I believe, make her the most reliable and socially neutral she had it in her to be. But there is a genetic and in-utero/early-life-experience ceiling that we cannot break, try as hard as we may. That, too, is my opinion based on personal experiences with my dogs and client dogs.)

And just think about yourself: were you born the way you are? The answer is probably yes and no. You both already were and you have become: every day, we get incrementally closer to who we are going to be and at the same time, the person inside of us is still the one who was born however many years ago and will always be. It’s not either/or. It’s both/and.

(1) If I had publishing this post right after getting Chai back from Scarlett, it would have been a personal story about what Game and I were up to in the meantime. But time has passed and things have changed. So today’s post is about Chai’s adventures with Scarlett, and the upcoming May posts will be about Chai, Game and dog geekery. I’ll leave out my most personal stories, pictures and videos. In case someone in these stories reads my posts: I’m NOT leaving out the personal parts because they were not important and meaningful – quite the opposite. They were SO important and meaningful that I don’t want to share them with strangers on the Internet. I’m leaving out the personal parts because I hurt. They are still very much with me and close to my heart. That said, they don’t take away from Chai’s May adventures – so those are what I’ll be talking about on this blog!

Chaiary – day 18 (April 24, 2023): Ciudad Universitaria and moving to Coyoacán

Home alone

I used the morning to head to my hair dresser in Narvarte with Game. Chai got to stay home alone in the patio of our AirBnB one last time. This has been the last AirBnB I stayed in before I thought I was leaving Mexico for good and the second one I came back to … it felt a little bit like coming home. Today would be the day we’d move out. Dana, the owner whose place I’ve now stayed with 4 (?) times, told me to let her know if I ever needed anything – including a friend. I’m going to miss Narvarte.

Me and my always-by-my-side dog Game at the hair salon.

An afternoon at Ciudad Universitaria

Then it was time to move to what feels like the other side of the city: Coyoacán (but not the center – a place within walking distance from Las Islas at Ciudad Universitaria. It’s a large green space filled with students, picknickers, street food and off-leash dogs.

We met what I was told was a Miniature Doberman (size between a fully grown Doberman and a Miniature Pinscher).

Sadly, poor Chai threw up in her car crate again. The hot drive to Ciudad Universitaria was a bit much for the poor girl. However, all was forgotten once we got out and had fun!

Socialization continued

Chai voluntarily approached and got fed by two people and made friends with two more – no food required!

Our new stomping grounds!

Walking, playing and 2-dog recalls

Since the new place was going to be very small and I was going to feel wiped out from moving, I wanted Chai to be tired for her first night there. The dogs and I spent a LONG time walking and just hanging out at Las Islas before heading to our new home! This video is towards the end of the walk, as both dogs were already hot and tired. A lovely whistle recall with Game pulling Chai back to me, just like yesterday, only in a new environment. The time having been outside and the heat cause both of them to trot rather than run.

I took the thumbnail picture of the video above at Las Islas as well. In the thumbnail, Chai is a few weeks older than in this video.

Tired dogs are good dogs!

The long hot outing did its job: Chai and Game were perfect studio apartment dogs for the rest of the afternoon and evening. And I was a perfect studio apartment tenant: all I wanted was a shower and fall asleep!